Easter Birdies Need Homes Too!
With the arrival of Easter, so begins the nesting season for many wild birds. Scientific data has shown a vast decrease in available nesting sites, mostly due to the increased destruction of natural habitat. Competition from non-native species also contributes to the decline in possible nest sites.This year, instead of adopting cute baby chicks at Easter Time, consider a unique birdhouse. They are available in sooooo many themes! You may want to hide one for the Easter Egg Hunt for one lucky recipient to take home.With a serious shortage in nesting sites, a real home will make a difference for wild birds in your yard!Happy Easter!♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
A Hopper Bird Feeder Holds More
Double Hopper Bird Feeder If you’re tired of filling your bird feeders a little too often, it might be time to check out a large capacity hopper bird feeder. These bird feeders are available in a multitude of designs, materials and colors! They tend to hold more seed than other styles and accommodate more species of wild birds for your viewing pleasure.
The feeder pictured above is a double hopper-with a huge seven-quart capacity. It is also available in recycled materials that are guaranteed to never crack, split or fade, and will last a lifetime. A good investment for your feathered friends!
Use Flowers as Wild Bird Feeders Too!
Another way to greatly help out wild birds is through habitat. Aside from hanging wild bird feeders that offer seed and suet, try planting trees and flowers which provide sustenance for wild birds in your yard. There are many native plants, hardy in temperament, which can add value and lasting beauty to your home.
Cone flower is a popular choice for many wild bird species, and being a perennial is an extra added bonus. Sunflowers are adored by many wild birds, and the faces can be used for decorative purposes after the flower dies.
To attract hummingbirds for instance, check out this long list of beneficial flowers:
Trees and Shrubs
* Azalea
* Butterfly Bush (Buddleia)
* Cape Honeysuckle
* Flame Acanthus
* Flowering Quince
* Lantana
* Manzanita
* Mimosa
* Red Buckeye
* Tree Tobacco
* Turk’s Cap
* WeigelaVines
* Coral Honeysuckle
* Cypress Vine
* Morning Glory
* Scarlet Runner Bean
* Trumpet CreeperPerennials
Some may be annuals or perennials depending on climate.
* Bee Balm (Monarda)
* Canna
* Cardinal Flower
* Columbine
* Coral Bells
* Four O’Clocks
* Foxglove
* Hosta
* Hummingbird Mint (Agastache)
* Little Cigar
* Lupine
* Penstemon
* YuccaAnnuals
* Beard Tongue (and other penstemons)
* Firespike
* Fuchsia
* Impatiens
* Jacobiana
* Jewelweed
* Petunia
* Various Salvia species
* Shrimp Plant