Close Up Views of a Tiny Jewel: Hummingbirds
While visiting a friend, I noticed a hummingbird feeder attached to her kitchen window. I thought it a little strange, as I have been feeding hummingbirds for years with traditional hanging feeders. After a few minutes, to my delight, were three hummingbirds buzzing around the window hummingbird feeder. Going for drink after drink, it was the perfect close up view we all love to see. I wish I had my camera.
These hummingbirds stayed as long as we did, resting on the feeder between drinks. It was very cool to see them right there, up close…almost looking back at me. Then I wondered just that: were the hummingbirds watching the people for their enjoyment as people watch them? It is such a joy to view these special birds dubbed “tiny jewels” for they truly are just that!
Fat Cat Wood Birdhouse
Wood Birdhouses Wood birdhouses come in all shapes and sizes these days. You can find environmentally friendly wood birdhouses that are really fun and totally functional. I found one that my black and white cat may have been the model for. He’s a portly tuxedo kitty, with perfect markings…and looks just like this wood bird house. The resemblance is striking!
Green Products…are good for the environment, and these hand-carved wood birdhouses are produced from fast growth renewable albesia wood. The paints and finishes used are non-toxic. These unique, functional birdhouse designs come complete with clean outs, a necessity for our avian friends, and packing is always recycled, saving our landfills from unnecessary packaging waste. Complete with proper ventilation and drainage too. Here’s Sylvio, definitely could have been the model for this black & white fat cat birdhouse!
The Magnificent Bluebird
No other bird in the animal kingdom bears quite the distinct characteristics of the bluebird. The bluebird is renowned as one of the most serene birds, with a charming chirp that captivates listeners. Bluebirds are great to have in the backyard, and quite different from other wild birds. For example, bluebirds don’t favor traditional seeds, thistle, and suet that other birds like. They enjoy eating meal worms, and will also eat raisins soaked in water. Bluebirds are also frequent visitors to birdbaths, and enjoy heated birdbaths in the winter.
It’s essential for bluebirds to have bluebird houses where they can raise chicks and be safe from predators, because other birds, like the common starling, will kill adult bluebirds and ravage their nests to take over the territory. But with the right food and conditions, bluebirds are sure to visit your backyard!