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Besides Sugar Water, Hummingbirds Love….
Hummingbird With Nesting Material There are several things you can do to attract and keep more hummingbirds around your yard. First would be habitat, by planting flowers that provide nectar for them to feed on. Certain trees, shrubs and vines are adored by hummers, and some perennials include:
* Canna * Four O’Clocks * Little Cigar
* Cardinal Flower * Foxglove * Lupine
* Columbine * Hosta * Penstemon
* Coral Bells * Hummingbird Mint * YuccaWater is fairly inexpensive, and just by adding a mister attachment to your outdoor faucet, you’ll see hummingbirds return daily to bathe and play in the fine mist. These are visual magnets for the tiny jewels!
Another wild bird accessory is nesting material. There is a new product called Hummer Helper, which has actually been endorsed by The Hummingbird Society.
“It is aimed at encouraging hummingbird nesting in a natural way. It has the potenial to help you bring in more hummers, where you can observe them, and then to increase the odds that they will nest near you. The latter also ssures more fledglings will visit your hummingbird feeders. Ans since hummers practice site fidelity-and return to the same site every year, you could see an increasing number of hummingbirds in the future.”
Very Wild Bird Feeders!
Wild Bird Feeders Wild bird feeders have come long way from the traditional wood or acrylic models. Now, bird feeders have themes to accommodate every homeowners’ individualism. Stoneware and ceramics are used by artisans to create unique and wild designs which are most importantly, totally functional for feeding your feathered friends.
Hot Lips Hilda, pictured at right, is a stoneware creation that is hand made in Maine. She’s reminiscent of the 1950’s iconic diner waitress with her beehive hairdo! The recipient of this feeder is always floored- everyone just loves her!
There are so many fun options with wild bird feeders today, that make them excellent gift choices for any nature lover. Long lasting gifts, that give back to nature, and provide plenty of live entertainment.
Finch Bird Feeders-Not Just For Finches
Not Just for Finches Nyjer seed, also called thistle, is an excellent choice for feeding wild birds as it will attract a great many species for your viewing pleasure. Goldfinches adore thistle seed, and a common misconception is they are the only birds who eat it. Not true! Depending on region, you’ll attract American Tree Sparrows, Black Capped Chickadees, Chipping Sparrows, Dark-Eyed Juncos, Eastern Towhees, House Finches, Indigo Buntings (pictured above), Pine Siskins, Purple Finches, Song Sparrows and Tufted Titmice.
Finch bird feeders come mostly in tubular models, with or without perches. Thistle, or nyjer is also a great choice as the seed does not germinate. This means no weeds below your feeder from fallen seed. So, fill your finch feeder with nyjer seed and enjoy the show!