- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder, Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders, Uncategorized
Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders That Really Work
There are tons of bird feeders on the market which claim to be squirrel proof. Many of them are successful at keeping pesky squirrels from raiding bird feeders…while others just don’t make the cut. Then there’s also the aesthetic to consider. This feeder will hang in your yard, so it would be nice to have one that looks good too. Sometimes the metal caged look is not ideal in a delicate flower garden.
Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders have come a long way since those metal caged types. Sleek styling combined with functionality expands the choices for some great feeders. The Sky Cafe, for example, is an excellent choice for a squirrel resistant feeder as it looks good and keeps seed protected from not only squirrels, but the elements too. Plus, this great feeder is available in may options such as colors, and has seed dividers to offer birds a variety in one single feeder.
Consider the Sky Cafe or Mandarin Feeder for your next squirrel proof bird feeder.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, birdhouse kits, Nesting Material, Uncategorized, Wood Birdhouse, Wooden Birdhouse Kits
More Success with Wooden Birdhouse Kits
So nesting season is here, and you’ve decided on creating a home for wild birds in your yard. Wooden birdhouse kits are an excellent way to do just that. They are proportioned correctly for the kinds of cavity nesters you’d like to attact. There are specific bluebird house kits and wren house kits, as well as others.
You can better your chances of actually hosting a family of fledglings by hanging nesting material nearby. This will further entice your feathered friends to nest here. Many commercial nesting materials are available, fashioned in wreaths, balls, and baskets. Strings and yarn are always good choices, as is hair, and even dryer lint! I recently placed some horse hair (from the tail and mane) into a mesh bag and hung it from a tree. The birds love it, and have pulled it every which way! Now i just need to figure out which houses are hosting what birds!
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, birdhouse kits, Recycled Bird Feeders, Recycled Birdhouses, Uncategorized, Wood Birdhouse
More than Just Wood Birdhouse Kits
With the nesting season approching for many wild birds, real estate is harder to come by. Cavity nesting birds must work harder to find suitable housing to nest and raise their brood. Birdhouse kits are a wonderful way to fulfill this need and more. They are great projects for kids’ church or school groups, and family projects too.
These kits have come a long way, and today there are more than just the standard wood birdhouse kits available. Many recycled birdhouse and bird feeder kits are being seen. These are made of poly lumber-or recycled plastics and last much longer, with no rotting or splitting. A one time purchase to last many nesting seasons for wild birds. Plus the fun activity of creating the house instills a sense of stewardship with children.