Bat Houses for Needed Shelter
Brown bats are extremely beneficial to backyards as they control insect populations. It’s the natural order of things, no pesticides necessary.
Providing bat habitats, or bat houses, will greatly reduce insect populations in your environment.
Recently in the Northeastern US, brown bats have been discovered to be dying off by the thousands. A mysterious fungus plagues them, and scientists are working dilligently to unravel the mysteries. They fear an entire species may actually become extinct if an answer is not found soon.
You can learn about “White Nose Syndrome” in this amazing video clip.
White-nose Syndrome from Gerrit Vyn on Vimeo.
Add a Bat House for Natural Insect Control
Instead of pesticides and nasty chemicals, it’s wise to opt for natural insect control in any environment. By erecting a bat house, you’ll provide proper shelter for these little, harmless, and most beneficial species…the brown bat.
Houses should be mounted 15 to 20 feet above ground, on a tree, pole or other structure. Most bat houses are cedar, but newer recycled models are also available. And like most wildlife homes, these houses range from very basic, to more decorative designs.
For more information on bats, you can visit the Organization for Bat Conservation at http://www.batconservation.org
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