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    Add Food Near Butterfly Houses

    Butterfly Houses

    They’ve earned the nickname “flying flowers” as the grace and beauty of butterflies in the garden is marvelous.  If you enjoy seeing butterflies, there are steps you can take for maximum attraction next spring.  Creating Habitat that butterflies find alluring is actually pretty simple. A great article on “How to Make a Butterfly Garden” from the University of Kentucky’s Entomology Department, can be found here: http://www.ca.uky.edu/ENTOMOLOGY/entfacts/ef006.asp     Copy and paste this address in your browser’s address bar.

    Food: Nectar is always an option, but butterflies adore over-ripe fruit.  Oranges, bananas, melons, and grapes are just a few of the fruits the enjoy.  Place fruit on a staked feeder dish, on the porch railing, or anywhere near the flower garden, raised where it may be seen. Be sure to remove if molded.

    Water: Butterflies absolutely adore the gentle spray from Leaf Misters. You’ll see them flit back and forth through the fine mist daily once you’ve attracted them to your yard

    Shelter: By providing butterfly houses, you’re offering shelter from both the elements and predators. Giving butterflies a sfe haven to rest helps attract them to your yard.

  • Bats & Butterflies,  Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  Butterfly Houses,  Uncategorized

    A Mouse Chewed Through the Butterfly House!

    Butterfly House

    When writing these posts, it seems they end being about the backyard birding products I either use and/or sell on the site.  I’m not sure why, because I can write about anything that suits me. So here’s a post on mouse who made my butterfly house his home…and it’s true too!

    Living in the Atlanta, Georgia area for the past 25 years, 7 of them were spent in Peachtree City. It’s a really unique place, where the city is connected by golf cart paths, and most intersections have 4-way stops instead of traffic lights. There are special covenants for businesses, and no neon signs…imagine that? One common denominator of each home I ever lived in, was that wildlife habitat was always created, nurtured, and cared for everyday. It was, and still is part of my being.

    Someone had given me a butterfly house because I thought they were cool and summer brought many of theses fabulous, flying flowers to my gardens. Placing the house on the ground was not the best idea, over time it started to rot at the bottom. While picking it up for inspection and probable removal one day, there was a tiny deer mouse inside. I guess he liked the environment and felt comfortable in his little house, he didn’t know it was supposed to be for butterflies!  Needless to say, the house likely never saw any butterflies, but did provide habitat for other critters!

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    Go Vegan For Your Health, The Animals, And The Planet

    Annual World Go Vegan Week, October 25 – 31, aims to change diets

    San Francisco, Calif.
    The 4th annual World Go Vegan Week, October 25 – 31, spotlights the vegan diet as compassionate, sustainable, and healthy. In Defense of Animals (IDA) is coordinating events around the world, including San Francisco; New York; Toronto, Canada; Dublin, Ireland; and Cochabanda, Bolivia.

    Actor Woody Harrelson, a supporter of World Go Vegan Week, chose a vegan lifestyle “… as an energetic pursuit, as meat and dairy slowed me down, but I’ve since become convinced that it is not only the most healthy way to live, but also the most compassionate and ecologically responsible way.”

    The American Dietetic Association says vegan diets “…may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, as well as for athletes.”

    “What we put into our bags at the grocery store has more environmental impact than whether we bring our reusable shopping bag or drive a hybrid to the store,” said Hope Bohanec, Grassroots Campaigns Director for IDA.. A United Nations study revealed that animal agriculture causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all of the world’s transportation combined. “Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems,” says U.N. official Dr. Henning Steinfeld, senior author of the report.

    Animal agriculture contributes to the greenhouse effect from the methane produced by cows, deforestation of the rainforest for grazing land, and the enormous consumption of fossil fuel used to operate factory farms and slaughterhouses. University of Chicago researchers found that switching to a vegan diet has greater impact on greenhouse gas reduction than switching from a standard car to a hybrid.

    During World Go Vegan Week, IDA is encouraging people to become more conscious of what they eat, the effect their choices have on the world, and the non-violent, healthy alternatives that exist. Eliminating meat from your diet is one of the most powerful and effective steps you can take to fight the cruelty inflicted on farm animals, to improve your own health, and to help create a sustainable environment. Visit www.idausa.org for more information and free vegetarian recipes.

    In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization located in San Rafael, Calif. dedicated to protecting animals’ rights, welfare, and habitat through education, outreach, and our hands-on rescue facilities in Mumbai, India, Cameroon, Africa, and rural Mississippi.