• Bat Houses,  Bats & Butterflies,  Bird Accessories,  Uncategorized

    Bat Houses to Last a Lifetime

    Bat HousesRecycled plastics are where it’s at today!  For so many reasons they’re the perfect choice for just about any product.  Aside from keeping the milk jugs and containers out of landfills, the birding accessories manufactured are guaranteed to never crack, split, fade, or warp.

    This is an awesome claim, and most companies even stand by the guarantee…because it’s true.  Another benefit is the non-porous surface. It’s easy to clean and disinfect, and less likely to breed bacteria.  Recycled Bat Houses offer bats an excellent habitat.  The material also stabilizes temperatures more effectively than wood. This is an important factor with bat houses, as bats prefer a warmer, and somewhat moist environment.

    Invite bats to hang out in your yard and control insect populations the natural way!

  • Bat Houses,  Bats & Butterflies,  Bird Accessories,  Uncategorized

    A Bat House Builder’s Book

    Bat House

    Providing homes for bats is mostly beneficial as natural pest control.  Bat conservation groups have been growing in popularity, as these little guys are pretty good neighbors to have around. You need not spend a fortune on a bat house. Smaller wooden houses are comparable to your basic nest box. However, there are the deluxe models for accommodating whole colonies too.

    You may want to try building your own bat house if you’re so inclined. Many plans are available on the internet, some are even offered free by bat conservation groups.  Bat habitat has become a front row player among birding accessories, as several reputable companies now manufacture recycled plastic bat houses that are guaranteed to last a lifetime!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Bird Seed Trays,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders

    A Need for New Kind of Seed Catchers

    Seed CatchersWith all of the great advancements in backyard birding products, you would think someone would have developed a seed catcher that works with mult-hanger poles and shepherd’s hooks. Squirrel baffles are deigned to work on one pole, yet using one will protect all of the feeders on that pole. See our bird feeder/squirrel baffle set up in the photo at left.  Some pole-mount squirrel baffles have a seam and separate in order to install on the pole.  Why not seed catchers?

    They’re  an excellent item if you’d rather keep the area clean below feeders.  So, then how come they don’t make seed catchers, or seed trays that will work in this fashion? We think it’s an excellent idea, and wish someone would get to work on it soon!