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    Vibrant & Versatile Mosaic Bird Baths

    mosaic bird baths

    For whimsical designs and vibrant colors, nothing beats the artful designs displayed in mosaic bird baths. With rich hues that are available in many combinations, the choices are endless! Mosaic tiles are durable enough to withstand a birdbath heater in winter, and will not fade or discolor is summer heat. Glazed tiles also help to keep bath water cooler in sweltering summer temperatures.

    A pedestal bird bath creates a wonderful focal point in any yard, plus a fresh water source is the most effective way to attract more birds and keep them coming back. Creating a bird-friendly habitat is really quite simple by providing food, water and shelter. Bird houses, bird feeders and bird baths used together will ensure a greater variety of songbirds visiting your yard!

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    Best Winter Bird Tip: Heated Bird Bath

    heated bird bathThe Number One Winter Bird Tip!

    Attracting wild birds through changing seasons sometimes requires us to adapt birding accessories to those seasons. For instance, in the heat of summer, high fat suet melts easily and turns rancid quickly, so it’s not ideal for summer, although packed with calories and great for winter feeding! During freezing winter temperatures, the shallow water in bird baths will freeze over, rendering them useless.

    Regardless of climate, a  fresh water source is always the most effective way to attract more species of wild birds. Aside from birdhouses and bird feeders, water will always complete a bird-friendly habitat. In colder climates during winter months, a heated bird bath is without a doubt, the number way to experience more sightings of different species for the ultimate backyard birding experience!

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    Heated Bird Baths for Year Round Use

    heated bird baths

    One of the most effective ways to attract more birds is with fresh water!

    Get more wild birds flocking to your yard with fresh water. The necessity for this resource each and every season is so important that you’re guaranteed to to see species that never even visit your bird feeders! Strategically placed, a good bird bath is an advantage to any backyard birder’s viewing experience, not to mention their feathered friends. Birds tend to bathe naturally close to the ground, but with predators lurking, a raised water source is a better choice. Also, a bath placed near trees or shrubs provides quick cover from raptors as well, birds tend to hop on a nearby branch to preen in higher safety.

    A bath that sees freezing winter temperatures will be rendered useless with it’s shallow water unless a heater or deicer is used. Many birdbaths are available with concealed heaters for a neater, more streamlined look in your environment. Heated bird baths will provide a fresh water source year-round, allowing you to attract the most species, simply and economically. Instead of ten different feeders, try a bird bath or two, and enjoy the show!