Secretary Salazar’s Tax-Wasting Proposal-The BLM!
Today: Senate Hearing Stirs Up Controversy Over
Government’s Wild Horse & Burro ProgramThousands of Americans Contact Senators Expressing Opposition
To Secretary Salazar’s Tax-Wasting Proposal
Washington, DC (March 3, 2010) – Today, as the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hears testimony from Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, In Defense of Animals (IDA) and thousands of taxpayers call on Senators to deny the tax-wasting proposed budget submitted by the Department of Interior (DOI) for its Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild Horse & Burro Program.
At 10 a.m. (Energy Committee Hearing Room – SD-366) DOI Secretary Salazar is scheduled to testify and justify his budget which includes doubling the appropriations for the Wild Horse & Burro Program from 2010. In addition to an operational budget increase of $12 million, Secretary Salazar is seeking an additional $42.5 million to purchase private land to act as a holding facility for wild horses removed from already owned public lands.
Last year, Secretary Salazar acknowledged that current BLM practices – including its so-called “management” of wild horses and burros by rounding up and removing them from their natural Western ranges – as “unsustainable” yet to date no changes have been implemented. Secretary Salazar talks about change – but has done nothing to change the agency’s broken, never-ending cycle of rounding up wild horses and stockpiling them in taxpayer-funded holding facilities.
IDA maintains that allocating additional funds to this poorly managed program without serious requirements for reform would be fiscally irresponsible. In FY 2010, Congress increased the BLM’s wild horse management budget by 30 percent. At that time, the Senate Appropriations Committee noted that the current program was unsustainable and directed the agency to change course.
“Instead of implementing humane and cost-effective on-the-range management approaches, the BLM instead used the additional funds obtained last year to continue business as usual, rounding up even more horses, with 12,000 targeted for removal from the West this year alone,” said William J. Spriggs, lead counsel on the pending wild horse lawsuit against DOI and BLM filed by the international law firm Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney on behalf of IDA, renowned ecologist Craig Downer and popular children’s author Terri Farley. “Now the Secretary is asking for more money for this ill-conceived program and he plans to incur even more costs to taxpayers for his proposed ‘preserve’ in the Midwest or East that is not only fiscally irresponsible but will harm the horses it purports to help.”
“The use of tax dollars to purchase private lands in the Midwest or East to house horses taken from public lands in the West makes no fiscal sense,” said Eric Kleiman, Research Director, In Defense of Animals. “Since privately owned livestock are allocated a far greater share of BLM lands than wild horses, why not let ranchers graze their cattle on private lands in the Midwest and free up publicly-owned resources for wild horses to remain on their natural Western ranges?”
Recently the BLM concluded the largest roundup of wild horses in recent years capturing 1,922 horses in the Calico Mountain Complex in northwestern Nevada; the roundup has to date killed more than 68 horses and caused more than 35 heavily pregnant mares to spontaneous abort. That roundup proceeded despite a December 23, 2009 ruling by federal court Judge Paul Friedman in the lawsuit filed by Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney questioning the legality of the BLM’s long-term holding facilities and suggesting that the BLM postpone the Calico roundup.
Wild horses comprise a minute fraction (0.5 percent) of grazing animals on public lands, where they are outnumbered by cattle at least 200 to 1. The BLM has recently increased cattle grazing allotments in areas where wild horses are being removed. Currently the BLM manages more than 256 million acres of public lands of which cattle grazing is allowed on 160 million acres; wild horses are only allowed on 26.6 million acres this land, which must be shared with cattle.
Tube Birdfeeders vs. Suet Feeders
All the feeders in the yard are extremely crowded during this weird cold snap. Platform, peanut, thistle and tube birdfeeders are kept filled constantly for chickadees, finches, jays, cardinals and others. Robins scavenging for earthworms and offered dried mealworms, fruit, bread and peanut butter to stay warm. Three heated bird baths also entice the crowds to stick around.
The biggy though, has got to be the suet feeders. EVERYONE is eating suet for the extra calories to stay warm. A friend snapped this photo of a two grackles fighting over suet. Even bluebirds with their live mealworms are going after suet. So, until spring finally hits and it begins to warm up, I’ll keep the suet coming for feathered friends.
72 Hours for Clean American Energy!
72 Hours for Clean American Energy!
Please Call Your Senators Tuesday, Wednesday or ThursdayRising sea levels. Stronger storms. Melting ice caps. Less wildlife.
Birds shifting their ranges–if they can.
This doesn’t have to be our future–or our legacy.With leadership from the Senate, we can change our future. Please call your Senators today.
Join with dozens of organizations and millions of Americans calling on the U.S. Senate to pass comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation this year.
Here is how you can call your Senators in three easy steps.
1. Call 877-9REPOWER (877-973-7693). You will be prompted to enter your zip code. A message will remind you to give your name, your address and your message. Then it will connect you with your Senator’s office. In most cases, it will connect you to the Senate office where phone calls are most important.**
2. Give your name and hometown to whomever answers the phone.
3. Let them know you want Senator ______ to support comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation NOW.
That’s it! You’re done. Answering the next few questions is important too, and will let us know how many calls we were able to generate.
Here are some additional talking points if you care to use them.
- We are sending $1 billion a day overseas for foreign oil. This is money that could be better spent creating jobs and clean energy here at home. (Center for American Progress, Securing America’s Future, August 2009)
- Americans need jobs and moving to a clean energy economy will help create millions of jobs and jump start our economy.
- Our dependance on foreign oil puts our country at risk and our military forces in harms way. The Pentagon sees climate change as a security threat (New York Times, August 8, 2009).
- The time for stalling is over and I instead look to the Senate for leadership. It is vital to our children and their future.
THANK YOU! Your efforts will make this 72 hours of action a huge success!
** If you wish to call your other senate office, you can do so through the Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121.