Use this accompaniment to make squirrel feeders super special!
With the lush foliage background, you can tell this photo was snapped in summer. But no matter what the season… squirrels love their feeders. We like squirrel feeders too because they help keep the crafty critters off the bird feeders.
This large capacity metal corn cob feeder keeps them happy and occupied. During really cold weather, we’ll add something squirrels absolutely adore. There’s probably some sitting right in your cupboards too… peanut butter! It’s really quick and simple to smear some right on the corn, and the extra calories give squirrels energy needed to stay warm. Peanut butter works with any corn cob or log feeder, and buying one institutional size jar usually lasts through the winter.
The logs are a great alternative to corn as they’re also very long-lasting. Actually compressed corn, each log is equal to about twelve ears of regular corn cobs. But you must be sure they’re securely attached, because like we said earlier, the “crafty critters” have managed to steal them once in a while! Twisting them to the top of the screw every few days does the trick.
And you just can’t mention feeding squirrels without bringing up the Bungee Cord Squirrel Feeder, better known as the Squngee! It’s a hoot to watch furry friends in action with this bouncing, swaying feeder… talk about keeping them occupied! Use the logs smeared with pean
ut butter on this, and get ready to laugh. It even has a bell to warn you when the action starts.
Although some folks despise them, feeding squirrels is fun. It’s good for them, good for your bird feeders, and the acrobatics can be quite entertaining as well. And if you’re pondering giving a squirrel feeder this holiday… don’t forget the peanut butter!
Is there really a Cool Tube Bird Feeder out there?
Although birds won’t think so, some bird feeders are just plain boring. It’s the birds themselves who make these feeders come alive and give us so much pleasure in watching.
A very popular style is the tube. Platforms are great for versatility, and hoppers tend to have larger capacities. There’s bluebird, finch, oriole, and hummingbird feeders, and there’s peanut, fruit, seed, and suet feeders. Omg… where would one start? One feeder that’s capable of attracting several species is a great place to start. That and definitely a birdbath – even if it’s just a plant saucer with fresh water!
The cool Wave Feeder shown here accommodates black oil sunflower, which attracts a wide variety of birds. If you’re looking specifically for finches, it’s also available for thistle seed. Handcrafted in the USA of durable cedar, it’s one that will be around for many years! Although wavy is shape, it gets classified as a tube bird feeder because of the perches. Hoppers have ledges where birds perch to eat.
Not all tube feeders have perches though. Some offer “all-over” feeding with the body being screen or mesh. And a really innovative idea is the spiral tube feeder. Instead of perching or just clinging, birds actually “run the spiral” while dining. Now this may sound silly, until you’ve seen them in action! A peanut feeder is shown here, which proves tube feeders aren’t just for seed. The spirals offer options for shelled peanuts, thistle (or nyjer), and of course seed.
One other thing to consider when starting out: don’t go for the cheapest seed! It has fillers which end up on the ground and attract some less desirable birds. Spending the extra few dollars on a premium seed will absolutely bring better birds!
Happy Thanksgiving and a Box for Birds
Though we all may seem to want more, most of us really have what we need. After viewing images of Hurricane Sandy, speaking with friends affected, and really taking it all in… I’m very thankful this year!
A roof above, with heat that works. A hot shower with a killer Speakman shower head. A comfortable bed, food in the fridge, pets at home where they belong. Birds to feed in the yard everyday (especially the bluebirds) pesky squirrels, even weeds that need pulling. A business that’s survived some rough times, and oh, the repeat customers are the best, really thankful for them! Distributors who are willing to go out on a limb (thanks Mel and Goldcrest), vendors who have faith, artists who craft such wonderful work.
These cool birdhouse kits make for an awesome nesting site for the Eastern Bluebird and Carolina Wren. The houses are assembled like a puzzle and are great projects for ages 4 to 104! In modern or traditional styles, check them out in action below: