Bluebird Houses to Chase the Blues!
Since the hummingbirds are not yet in full force, the bluebirds are really grabbing my attention. When I get up in the morning and look out the window, Mr. Bluebird is in the same spot waiting for me to fill the dish. It’s been going on about 3 weeks, and I’m sure there is a nest in at least one of my three bluebird houses. This makes me happy! I love to watch them eat from the little dish attached to the bird feeder pole…it works perfectly. I change their food around, offering meal worms, bluebird nuggets, and Avian Cuisine’s Nutri Crumbles Bluebird Delight. They love it!
The bluebird house pictured above is actually made of vinyl-just like real houses. Consider it an investment in real estate, as it will last a lifetime and house many future bluebird families.