A Wood Birdhouse: Starling Resistant
We’ve all seen them…and cringe! Bully birds, who take over nests, hog the feeders, and wreak havoc for some songbirds. Starlings are a good example, there’s some tough competition with bluebirds over nest boxes. Cow Birds are known to take over nests and lay their own eggs with the others. Other fledglings usually don’t survive because of the Cowbird’s rampant parasites. I have two Cowbirds in my yard now that I see at my feeders, and I’m a little concerned for the 2 bluebird nests, actually not quite sure what to do?
This wood birdhouse may look basic, but has a special feature to keep starlings out. The angled shelf below the entrance thwarts their efforts to enter. This is actually a Flicker house, and the entrance is the perfect size for Starlings. Luckily, there are some great, innovative manufacturers out there who know what they’re doing!