Unique Birdhouse-Feeder Gifts: Shop Now!
2020 Holiday Shipping is No Laughing Matter.
Be Wise… Shop Now for unique birdhouse gifts, bird feeders and cool birdbaths for real lasting joy!
Snowy owl yawning, which makes it look like it’s laughing. Online shopping has taken on new heights since spring and the pandemic. Aren’t you just sick to death of hearing about it? But carriers have been inundated with volume so this holiday (unlike past years) definitely raises some concerns.
For the most part, USPS, UPS and FedEx are doing a great job all things considered. But since everything is relative, there’s always a small percentage of issues with either a wrong delivery address, damage & breakage or just plain loss. And this really stinks if it just happens to be your holiday birdhouse gift to someone special.
The struggle is real!
So this year, we’re literally begging folks to shop early. Not only for the best selection from a small boutique of curated birding and garden gifts, but also for the very best level of customer service should any possible issues arise with your shipment.And those possibilities are quite real… frustrating, stressful, time consuming and just plain aggravating because the shipper has no control over such issues 🙁 It takes time, diligence, major persistence and sometimes even re-sending the birdhouse or bird feeder again. If you wait until December 10th to order your gift, there’s simply not enough time to rectify any issues should one arise.
The little ditty below offers an idea of where things stand with holiday birdhouse and bird feeder gifts and anything else you may be planning to order online)!
The best birdhouse gifts for holiday start right here,
For all those on your list may they be far or near.Last spring folks dabbled in backyard birding, garden and yard,
It became addictive- but ya can’t decide? So opt for a gift card.Fab birdhouses and feeders mostly handmade,
Recycled or poly won’t crack, chip or fade.Birdbaths in all styles, curated yard art so fun,
With covid concerns at stores maybe best not to run?Find a whimsical, vintage, mod, rustic birdhouse and more,
Farmhouse & chic’s popular, their gift will make spirits soar.Give presents of presence but please order soon,
Should you want it for holiday and not in June!For a bit of motivation, nab 10% off through October 25th.
Use promo code 10-now.
Some restrictions may apply. -
Hummingbird Feeder Mask’s Been Around BC
BC? Yes, the new BC… Before Covid. We hope you and yours are faring well in these strange times. And we’re excited so many folks discovered (or rediscovered) their yards, gardening and backyard birds during quarantine.
Actually a full face mask that’s interactive- so how fun is this hummingbird feeder! From a whole new perspective, sprites will feed and dance right before your eyes. The idea came to fruition several years ago, and after a few iterations (including a hole and extra long straw to sip your cocktail) humm-viewer was brought to market. Folks who’ve purchased these unique hummingbird feeders have given some excellent feedback. Truly a swell gift for any nature buff or hummingbird enthusiast! The hit of any backyard gathering as well.
The mask comes choc full of stuff… though the party’s not included!
- bulb for easy filling of tubes
- cleaning brushes
- microfiber cloth for mask cleaning
- easy directions
- cloth bag to store the feeder
- extra long straw for your favorite nectar! (beverage of choice)
As a side note: This past spring, the masks were produced sans the hummingbird feeder and offered to local healthcare workers when masks were in short supply. Kudos to the makers for quickly responding and adapting to the pandemic in a meaningful and helpful way.
Here in Atlanta, male hummingbirds started south about one week ago. Females and juveniles will be going soon. Keep feeders fresh and filled even after hummingbirds are gone. Stragglers from further north may very well need to refuel for the long journey. And it’s a total myth that if you leave your hummingbird feeder up too late, the sprites won’t leave. Utter nonsense as nature tells them when it’s time to go!
And last: We’re begging for you to shop earlier for holiday this year. Not only for the best selection from a small boutique, but to get your gifts on time! Shipping/transit times were very different BC (before covid, remember?). Carriers are already at capacity with the steep increase of online ordering. So please do think twice and order soon… in case your package accidentally takes a trip around the moon!
Best Birdhouses in 2020…
Come with Free Nesting Materials!
Through March we’re giving away some organic premium nest materials with all birdhouses. North American songbirds adore our nest materials… even those who may not use a birdhouse will partake! A few of those non-cavity dwellers (who prefer to nest in trees and shrubs) include; cardinals, goldfinches, house finches, blue jays, robins and others.
Although the materials are found in nature, you might just jump-start the nesting process by offering the materials and having any existing birdhouses cleaned out and repaired if necessary… before birds are scouting! Unusually warm temperatures around most of the country have birds at least looking for the perfect home already.
Because backyard birding has become so popular, you may have seen all the DIY nesting material tutorials and posts on social media. If it’s on the web, it must be true… right?
Nope! Especially if you’ve seen this image or similar with yarn strings in a suet cage.
Please avoid! The DIY part is perfect and we do encourage it – but with natural, healthy and correct materials.
Refrain from anything with dye as its not found in nature and may be harmful to hatchlings and older nestlings alike. If using raffia, strings or stringy moss (Spanish moss) be sure to cut strips short. Two to three inches is plenty as strings may become tangled in little birdie feet! Should this occur, the bird’s circulation could be in danger- possibly constricting blood flow.
Should blue jays be terrorizing your hanging baskets, they’re most likely after the coco liner or moss for nest nest construction. Best to take an extra liner and cut pieces to place on the ground or in a suet cage.
We have several older blog posts on the subject… from years ago and prior to social media hype. Examples from our own yard show how easy it is to DIY safely and correctly.
Dryer lint: Steer clear! Even though it’s so soft & fluffy, fibers may contain dye which once again, are not found in nature.
Pet hair: Definitely a yes unless fido or fluffy is on medication or they’ve been treated with flea & tick products.
Always: Let birds do the interior decorating! Place nesting materials nearby so they can gather what works best in their own birdhouse.
You can encourage residency and have nesting birds grace your place this season… whether they use birdhouses or not!
Oh yeah… a few 2020 birdhouse models that rock!