how would window bird feeders ever be versatile?
Because with The Great Hang Up, you can turn most smaller hanging feeders into window bird feeders. Although it may not look like much, this innovative window hook holds up to three pounds securely. It leaves options wide open for attracting avian
friends… up close and personal, with the hook facing both up or downwards.
The Mod Oval shown here would be great as a window feeder, offering a full view of dining birds.
Come to think of it, a window birdbath would be fantastic too! Since fresh water is a great way to entice birds, small dish-type feeders (with no drainage) would serve this purpose well. The Glass Globe feeder is versatile enough to fit the bill. Accommodating seed mixes, suet & nuggets, peanuts, even fruit in summer, plain old water is an excellent option as well. Available in ruby red or lime green… just think of the possibilities!
Aside from the awesome viewing opportunities, here’s another reason why window bird feeders are good – location, or placement is important for birds’ safety. According to The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, placing a feeder within three feet (or more than thirty feet) from windows greatly helps to prevent window strikes. They say billions of birds die each year from these fatal crashes. Using the above reference for feeder placement will not afford birds enough room for gaining speed and crashing into the window.
So think outside the box because it doesn’t have to actually say “window feeder” to be one!