• Bats & Butterflies,  Bird Accessories,  Butterfly Feeder,  Misters and Birdbath Drippers,  Uncategorized

    Blown Glass Butterfly Feeders

    butterfly feeders

    Garden accents that are unique and functional

    Butterflies will grace your garden if proper habitat is provided. Food, water and shelter are the basics…same as any other species!

    These hand blown glass butterfly feeders add a touch of whimsy to any garden. The large staked flowers may be filled with butterfly nectar, or used to hold over-ripened fruit. They may also be used as butterfly baths when filled with water. Butterflies will feast on oranges, bananas, melons and berries, but be sure and discard molded fruit. Nature’s feeders include flowers like marigolds, hibiscus, butterfly weed, and lavender to name just a few.

    Another way to use water as an attractant for butterflies is with leaf misters. The gentle spray will entice these flying flowers to your yard and keep them around for the season. Provide shelter from the elements and from predators through landscape and butterfly houses.

  • Bats & Butterflies,  Bird Accessories,  Butterfly Houses,  Misters and Birdbath Drippers,  Uncategorized

    Add Food Near Butterfly Houses

    Butterfly Houses

    They’ve earned the nickname “flying flowers” as the grace and beauty of butterflies in the garden is marvelous.  If you enjoy seeing butterflies, there are steps you can take for maximum attraction next spring.  Creating Habitat that butterflies find alluring is actually pretty simple. A great article on “How to Make a Butterfly Garden” from the University of Kentucky’s Entomology Department, can be found here: http://www.ca.uky.edu/ENTOMOLOGY/entfacts/ef006.asp     Copy and paste this address in your browser’s address bar.

    Food: Nectar is always an option, but butterflies adore over-ripe fruit.  Oranges, bananas, melons, and grapes are just a few of the fruits the enjoy.  Place fruit on a staked feeder dish, on the porch railing, or anywhere near the flower garden, raised where it may be seen. Be sure to remove if molded.

    Water: Butterflies absolutely adore the gentle spray from Leaf Misters. You’ll see them flit back and forth through the fine mist daily once you’ve attracted them to your yard

    Shelter: By providing butterfly houses, you’re offering shelter from both the elements and predators. Giving butterflies a sfe haven to rest helps attract them to your yard.

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Baths,  Bird Feeders,  Bird Nesting Materials,  Misters and Birdbath Drippers,  Nesting Material,  Uncategorized

    Bird Accessories Will Attract More Feathered Friends

    bird accessoriesbird accessories

    Use bird accessories to successfully attract more feathered friends to your yard!

    There are many ways to attract your favorite songbirds other than typical birdhouses or bird feeders.  These are great ways to provide food and shelter, but there’s much more you can easily do to create “bird-friendly” habitat.

    Adding a fresh water source to your yard is very beneficial, if you can create a moving water source…even better! Moving water is like a visual magnet to wild birds.  Using a birdbath mister or dripper will absolutely attract more species to your yard.

    Another great item, is nesting material, as it’s used by both cavity dwelling birds and birds who don’t use birdhouses. You can even make your own nesting material by using items from around the house, such us dryer lint, cotton yarns and strings, pet hair, and moss. Simply collect these items and place in a mesh produce bag like the kind from the grocery store. The one shown above hangs in our yard, and contains horse tail hair, The birds have really gone to town on it!

    Bird accessories need not be expensive to have an impact in your yard.  Drippers can be made by using milk jugs with tiny pin holes, hung up above your bird bath.  See what’s out there and modify it for a home-made version, you’ll be seeing more feathered friends in your new found habitat!