Nest Material at Thistle Bird Feeders
Although Goldfinches will visit thistle bird feeders all year long, summer time is when their vibrant yellow plumage is displayed. Completing two full molts per year, this is just in time for their breeding season. They are primarily monogamous, and one of the latest bird species to nest, waiting until late June or July.
You can encourage Goldfinches to nest in your yard by offering nesting material placed in close proximity to thistle bird feeders. There are several commercial nesting materials available, including the new Hummer Helper. Cotton yarns and strings, dryer lint, and pet hair are a few handy things which can be placed in a mesh bag to offer as nesting material too.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, birdhouse kits, Nesting Material, Uncategorized, Wood Birdhouse, Wooden Birdhouse Kits
More Success with Wooden Birdhouse Kits
So nesting season is here, and you’ve decided on creating a home for wild birds in your yard. Wooden birdhouse kits are an excellent way to do just that. They are proportioned correctly for the kinds of cavity nesters you’d like to attact. There are specific bluebird house kits and wren house kits, as well as others.
You can better your chances of actually hosting a family of fledglings by hanging nesting material nearby. This will further entice your feathered friends to nest here. Many commercial nesting materials are available, fashioned in wreaths, balls, and baskets. Strings and yarn are always good choices, as is hair, and even dryer lint! I recently placed some horse hair (from the tail and mane) into a mesh bag and hung it from a tree. The birds love it, and have pulled it every which way! Now i just need to figure out which houses are hosting what birds!
Hang This Near Your Window Hummingbird Feeder
If you have a window hummingbird feeder at home, adding this amazing new product may just attract more of the tiny jewels and keep them around your yard. The new Hummer Helper is nesting material designed especially for hummingbirds. It comes in an attractive red basket with a hanging chain, and has even been endorsed by The Hummingbird Society. They say it is aimed at encouraging nesting in a natural way, and it has the potential to help you bring more hummers where you can observe them, thus increasing the odds they will nest near you. The latter assures that more fledglings will visit your window hummingbird feeder.
Hummingbirds are known to practice “site fidelity” and return to the same site every year, you’ll likely see an increased hummingbird population in your yard by adding some Hummer Helper.