Easy To Do Nesting Material for Birds
You can entice more feathered friends to your yard, and help them out by offering nesting materials. They’ll seek out their preferred material and if conditions are favorable (mature trees, brush and thickets) will take up residence at your place. If you’re attentive and observant, you may be able to spot the nest and even see the nestlings before they fledge.
Many kinds of commercial nesting materials are available; from cotton balls, to wreaths containing feathers and strings, to baskets, filled with yarns, cotton fibers, and hemp. But you can easily make your own nest ball using some pretty common items that are usually discarded in the trash.
Start with a mesh produce bag-like the kind from the grocery store. Next save your dryer lint a few times instead of tossing it. Got a dog or cat? Pet hair also works well in the mix! The home made nest ball at left is made strictly from horse tail hair, and as you can see…the birds have torn it apart!
Both non-cavity dwelling birds, and birds who use houses will seek out nesting material to build a suitable site in which they’ll lay eggs and raise the babies.
Bird Nesting Materials Will Attract More Species
Attract more feathered friends to your yard with nesting materials.
You can encourage nest building in your yard and attract more wild birds by offering bird nesting materials such as; feathers, cotton yarns and strings, hemp and aspen fiber. Several holders and kits with refills make it an easy task that yields favorable results – for you and the birds!
The Birdie Bell shown at left is a versatile nest material vessel that can be used year round. Shaped to hold the common birdseed bells for winter feeding, they also hold orange halves and other fruits for summer time feeding for orioles, woodpeckers and others.
Nesting wreaths contain some of the favorite bird nesting materials mentioned above, and also have refills available. North American non-cavity dwellers will seek these materials to build suitable nests. Add a fresh water source such as a bird bath, and if there are trees and shrubs in your yard to offer cover, and not too many predators…you’ll see birds who never even visit your feeders.
With spring upon us, it’s quite favorable that feathered friends will take up residence soon!
Bird Accessories That Make a Difference
Backyard birding involves more than just birdhouses and bird feeders. You can take a great hobby (that gives us so much pleasure) to the next level with a few useful bird accessories.
For example, some seed catchers and seed trays will actually provide extra feeding space for birds who may not perch at the feeder itself. The tray also serves as a platform allowing you to add a variety of food and treats that can’t go in the feeder. Fruit, nuts, mealworms, or suet may be added to any platform for additional variety. This alone will attract more species of birds to the feeder.
Nesting material is another bird accessory that is often overlooked. Non-cavity dwellers will seek out nesting materials to build their nests and raise the brood. Cotton yarns, feathers, mosses, even dryer lint and pet hair are useful to these birds. You can make your own nesting ball using a mesh produce bag from the grocery store. We made one with horse tail hair that our birds just tear to pieces!
WindowAlert decals have done wonders in preventing bird window strikes. Barely visible to the human eye, these static cling decals act like a big stop sign for birds. They work brilliantly and truly reduce these nasty accidents if your birds are striking windows in your home.
If you’re new to birding, try one thing at at time and see how it works for your birds and you. The list is endless, from creating moving water in a bird bath, to weather guards for feeders, and squirrel baffles, the bird accessories really make a difference!