• Bird Accessories,  Bird Seed Trays,  Uncategorized

    Use Bird Seed Trays for Clean Bird Feeding

    bird seed traysAdd them to a post, add them to a bird feeder pole, or hang them… seed trays greatly reduce ground mess and waste. Spilled seed can lead to other problems, like mold which is unhealthy for ground feeding birds, and may attract some unwanted visitors too. Over the years we’ve heard from many folks (especially in the city) who stop feeding birds altogether due to rats… yuck!

    Clean feeding is easy with bird seed trays or seed catchers. Using a no-waste seed mix or sunflower hearts also helps alleviate ground mess. They’re pure with no filers – which is what ends up on the ground anyway. Milo, red millet, cracked corn and oats don’t really serve birds well at all, they’ll toss it right out of the feeder on purpose!

    Newer designs in recycled plastic make it possible to add the generous-size trays to a 4×4 post or standard garden bird seed trayspole. The large area is inviting to some birds who may never have visited the feeder before. Adjustable Seed Hoops fit almost any type feeder out there, and come in 16-and 30-inch diameter. The smaller size is ideal for tube styles, while the large tray is best for hopper bird feeders.

    bird seed trays


    Should you happen to be one of the “I don’t feed birds in summer” folks – just know that backyard feeders are hopping with activity now as most birds have nestlings to feed. The show of migratory birds passing through is colorful and quite dazzling to catch… so don’t give up the ship due to ground mess!
    *Use seed trays to minimize waste
    *Switch to cleaner seed mixes with no fillers
    *Try No-Melt Suet Doughs for warm weather feeding
    *Offer fruit & jelly for migratory birds- it leaves no waste
    *Feed dried mealworms (boil and steep to soften) for a real treat!

  • Ant Moats,  Bird Accessories,  Uncategorized

    Why Use an Ant Moat with Feeders?

    ant moatSugar, anything with sugar is bound to attract ants! Be it hummingbird, oriole, butterfly or any fruit & jelly feeder… ants will find them-especially in hot, dry weather. They spoil nectar for hummingbirds, the sprites will not drink from a feeder containing ants. Same goes for grape jelly and oranges set out for orioles, and even butterfly feeders offering nectar. Ants must exude something quite nasty as it only takes one to ruin a meal.

    The most basic ant moat is simplistic in design, an upside-down umbrella or cup that holds water. Ants drown when trying to cross water. Some prefer to coat the inside with petroleum jelly instead, which also acts as a barrier for ants. To slow water evaporation, you can a drop or two of cooking oil to the moat’s water.

    anti-moatEtched hummingbird feeders shown above have unique wood tops and bases and offer their own optional ant moat. With sleek style and matching wood grain, this type of moat features a grooved underside containing an anti-ant substance that lasts for several years. It’s neat and clean with no filling required.

    Parasol crafts a mean ant moat, in red or black it looks like, well… a parasol!ant moat We’ve seen goldfinches actually drink from these on hot summer days, even though several birdbaths are always kept clean and full! The ant moats work well with any feeder, regardless of how many vessels. ant moat

    You can feed hummingbirds without attracting pesky ants… of course using a no-drip feeder really helps.

    As for bigger pests? We caught a raccoon red-handed, drinking from a feeder on the deck the other night. He had both hands wrapped around the feeder, guzzling like it was beer! New solution: bring said feeder inside at night… dang!


  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeder Bracket,  Bird Feeder Pole,  Uncategorized

    The Ultimate Bird Feeder Bracket System

    indigo bunting at my finch bird feederUsually only seeing one pair, today we spotted five male red-breasted grosbeaks and two females at the platform feeders. Hummingbirds and cat birds are back, several indigo buntings (the other bluebirds) are hanging around, and we managed a fleeting glimpse of a Baltimore oriole today too.

    With spring migrations upon us it’s an awesome time to catch some new visitors… vivid colors abound in the landscape if you happen to be feeding birds right now.grosbeak If you’re not- it’s a primo time to start!

    Offering a variety of food like fruit and jelly and fresh water affords the opportunity for migratory birds to take up residence at your place and maybe even decide to nest there. This may require a few additional feeders, but you can be crafty here and fashion non-traditional items to use as feeders. A hanging glass candle holder makes a great jelly feeder, and there’s even an orange feeder for orioles made from a wire coat hanger. The “how to” is floating around the web somewhere! Fresh water works great in a simple plant saucer, and very shallow is always best for birds’ safety.

    So even if you canbird feeder bracket craft a few new feeders… you’ll need somewhere to hang them! It’s like all hands on deck… the more bird feeder brackets the better this time of year! Whether you’re a novice to backyard birding, or a long-time veteran, a good pole system just can’t be beat. If your battling pesky critters at feeders, the Squirrel Stopper comes with the most effective baffle around. From one of our customers: ‘We absolutely love the squirrel stopper so much so that my husband wanted another right away. It’s been comical around here watching the squirrels trying to win the battle of the baffle. LOL! and having to resort to what we put out for them elsewhere.”

    It features four arms with eight sturdy hooks to hang any kind of feeder, even a birdbath too! Especially if your yard is small, you’ll be able to maximize with a variety of treats for featbird feeder brackethered friends.

    If you’re new to the backyard birding scene, or know someone who is (hint: Mother’s Day), this complete bird feeder bracket system gets you up and running immediately! It comes with four basic feeders offering seed, peanuts, thistle and suet. That’s a fantastic mix to attract a wide variety of birds. The water dish promises to be a big hit, and the mesh tray is always open for options! Live or dried mealworms, fruit, even a cup of jelly for catbirds and orioles.

    The only drawback is no baffle… we’d highly suggest using one to save your sanity and your bird food should squirrels abound in your yard!bird feeder brackets