• Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeder Bracket,  Bird Feeder Pole,  Birding Accessories,  Uncategorized

    simple bird feeder bracket brings roses closer for smelling!

    a bird feeder bracket that swivels is more user-friendlyThe back deck is a perfect place to catch close up views of avian amigos while going about your daily routine. A glimpse out the kitchen or breakfast room window may reveal a little touch of magic that literally takes you out of that routine… if you’re lucky.

    Since we never have enough time to “stop and smell the roses” – bringing them closer to home makes it easier! Bird feeder brackets are made for decks or walls, and there are lots from which to choose.

    Say you don’t want a feeder and messy seeds all over the deck? No-waste seed mixes eliminate mess, or try a hummingbird feeder instead. Ants are a problem with that? Nope… ant moats will take care of pesky ants.

    Forget the whole feeder idea and try a birdbath! Fresh water is the most effective way to entice more feathered friends. Using a bird feeder bracket to hang a birdbath works beautifully. There’s no fuss or mess, just keep water fresh for optimal use. And don’t forget to glance out the window every so often, as a one little bird just might bring a big smile 🙂

  • Ant Moats,  Bird Accessories,  Uncategorized

    The Mini-est of watering holes? the ant moat!

    birds have been drinking water from the ant moatWell of course I was sans the camera when a Titmouse landed on the bracket where the hummingbird feeder hangs. Above that is a moat to keep the pesky ants at bay and out of nectar. The bird hopped down and perched on the moat, drinking, drinking and drinking again. After this incident I kept a closer watch, and noticed other small songbirds had the same idea.

    It seemed strange to me because there are nine birdbaths, two misters, and one fountain around the place! Yes, it’s a job in itself taking care of everything in the yard, but when you’re a backyard bird fanatic… these things happen!

    Luckily the afternoon storms have started in the Southeast, bringing rain, wonderful rain! “Crunchiness” is turning green, and plants are looking much healthier. I wish for all drought-stricken areas the rains would come. Even on Facebook, I’ve seen rain dances and rain prayers throughout the daily feeds.

    Now usually when it’s hotter than Hades out there, a few drops of salad oil are added to the water inside the ant moat. This addition to the moat water helps to slow evaporation. But after discovering birds drinking from the smallest birdbath in the world… we had to nix the oil.

    Be kind to birds and wildlife if your area is parched. Simply placing a shallow bowl or pan of water on the ground will make an excellent refuge for many crawly, winged, or other wild being!


  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Bird Seed Trays,  Uncategorized

    hawk finds a finch bird feeder the perfect perch

    Sharp Shinned Hawk find the finch bird feeder his favorite hunting look-outHe sits, waits and watches, almost on a daily basis for the past few weeks. This guy is huge too, a Sharp Shinned Hawk on the prowl for a quick meal, and pickin’s are good in a yard where there’s lots of feeders and birdbaths. The call is blood-curdling prior to landing, all songbirds scatter… fast! Luckily there’s also good cover for protection from such predators, but one must be be quick!

    Lately he’s been perching on the finch bird feeder, a good central spot offering spanning views of the yard and unassuming victims. Last week when I looked out, there were actually two hawks, (a double omg!) so one must be a juvenile. They’re so darn big it’s hard to tell!

    The last few days I haven’t seen them, but have witnessed strange behavior from the Blue Jays. They’re screaming wildly and loud, almost as if to mimic the hawks. Someone once mentioned Jays will do this to keep hawks away. Well, if that’s the case, then bravo to these smart birds who some find to be a nuisance.

    By the way, this feeder is fitted with a 30″ Seed Hoop which catches waste and attracts some other birds who never use the feeder itself.