Happy Mother’s Day to all….. viewing some great moms in hosted bird cams!
Happy Mother’s Day… to all the great Moms out there!
From the winged to the walking and everything in between, bird cams capture the miracle of life, and the harshness of Mother Nature as well. Two interesting live streams of hosted Bird Cams from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and New York Sate Bluebird Society are listed below.From The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Live Red-tailed Hawk Nest. There’s also a cam for a Great Blue Heron Nest on their website.
Watch live streaming video from cornellhawks at livestream.comAlso from a bird cam: “New high-speed videos of hummingbirds overturn nearly two centuries of conventional wisdom on how they drink. Researchers previously thought tube-like channels in their tongues sucked up fluid by capillary action, but the new analysis shows that their tongues actually trap nectar by curling around it.”And From the New York State Bluebird Society, birds cams have been in place since 2002,
Recently a post on a Bluebird List-Serve mentioned an attack by Tree Swallows which was captured on the cam… I don’t have the heart to watch though. The actual date of attack is May 5, 2012. Here’s a link for the brave of heart.
http://www.nysbs.org/nestcam.htmBecause of recent pricing decreases (amazing huh?) bird cams are available to the masses at very reasonable prices. The newest one is a Time-Lapse Cam from Wingscapes which sells for around $100 to $110. A one-time investment for the camera will bring hours, days, weeks, months and even years of glimpses into some of nature’s tiniest miracles. A fantastic educational tool for young and old alike, Bird Cams promise to bring joy and a touch of wonder to the viewer!
keep water moving… even in a hanging bird bath
An essential element for life, like the air we breathe, water is a simple, inexpensive way to entice more birds to your yard. Many species who don’t visit feeders or use nest boxes will frequent a bird bath. The only responsibility with a pedestal, ground, or hanging bird bath is keeping the water fresh, not only for birds, but for other health reasons too.
Recently the New York Times reported that in the Long Island area, the health department has actually been checking residents’ birdbaths and imposing fines for dirty bath water… no kidding! Four people have received hefty fines too-as the city is taking the situation quite seriously. The reason is stagnant water and the fear is the dreaded West Nile Virus spread by mosquitoes.
It doesn’t matter what kind of birdbath you have, or may be planning to purchase in the future. There’s a simple solution to avoid stagnant or standing water, and that is to keep it moving! Known fact: Mosquitoes can not lay eggs in moving water. Bath accessories like Water Wigglers, fountains, bird bath drippers, and leaf misters all keep water moving… and the birds absolutely love them! These create visual magnets for avian friends, and they run on batteries, solar power, or from the garden hose. Plus they’re simple to install and keep bath water cleaner longer.
Take a plastic, gallon milk jug and create your own dripper that works great, even in a hanging bird bath. Simple to do and very inexpensive, pierce a pin hole in the bottom corner of the jug. Secure the jug (through the handle) to a sturdy branch above the bath using rope, wire, or even a large S-hook. One gallon of water dripping through a tiny pin hole will last for days! Simply refill the jug for continued use. The movement will catch birds’ attention, and keep mosquitoes from laying their eggs. It’s a win-win situation for all!
feature-rich, classic tube bird feeder hangs or pole-mounts
You know those plastic feeders we always see at discount and “big-box” stores, they’re inexpensive and will serve the purpose… for a little while anyway! But soon the cheap plastic clouds and yellows, perches break, and heaven forbid if a squirrel should get hold of your new tube bird feeder… it’s a goner 🙁
Well, here’s a tube feeder with quality to last a lifetime, squirrel-proof features (sans the ugly cage), and twenty years of proven performance. The Classic Feeder is designed with a built-in squirrel baffle to foil the pesky critters permanently. With hanging or pole-mount options, it’s too tall and too wide for squirrels to reach the seed ports from the top on the hanging feeder, and from the bottom of the pole-mounted feeder.
Poly-carbonate casing, with a baked enamel lid and baffle, plus stainless steel perches, all promise this tube bird feeder will be around for many years of use for feathered friends. There’s even an attractive weather guard to protect seed from the elements, and it won’t hinder your views of dining birds either.
Ample perches provide easy access for many birds who aren’t commonly seen at tube bird feeders, and the large capacity cavity means less filling and more time watching. Even the pole is included on the post-mounted version! Accommodating black oil sunflower, or a bevy of other seed mixes, the Classic Feeder is truly a shining gem among all those tube bird feeders out there!