- Ant Moats, Bird Book, Bird Feeder Pole, Bird Field Guides, Bird Nesting Materials, Bird Seed Trays, Birding Accessories, Misters and Birdbath Drippers, Nesting Material, Squirrel Baffle, Water Wiggler, Weather Guards
squirrel baffle serves as weatherguard too
The most effective way to foil squirrels and protect your feeders from their disruptive antics, is with a squirrel baffle. A quality baffle is a one-time investment that will save your birdseed and ultimately your money in the long run.
The best part about using a hanging squirrel baffle is the versatility. Some folks even use them as weather guards alone (like me) to protect feeders from the elements. Most will serve as weather guards throughout the changing seasons. Keeping snow in winter, rain, and direct sun in sweltering summer heat, from ever reaching and spoiling the bird food. This will also save money by keeping food fresher longer. Not to mention, squirrel baffles also protec
t feathered friends at your feeder while dining. Although this feeder hangs from a pole with a baffle in place, one is also used to protect the feeder. Check out that snow sitting on top!
Planning and proper placement are two key factors when setting up new baffles. One must always remember squirrels’ uncanny acrobatic and athletic abilities! The little furry critters can jump sideways almost 10 feet. So, the horizontal “launching point” must be taken into consideration. Don’t hang the feeder near anything they might be able to jump from sideways. Vertically speaking, be sure the bottom of the feeder is at least five feet from ground level.
All in all, a great investment for novice to advanced backyard birders. Sparing you much aggravation and headache should squirrels be a problem in the yard.
The New Generation of seed catchers
As unsightly as it is, ground waste from bird feeders may also be hazardous to birds’ general health. As seed accumulates on the ground, mold and fungus begin to breed, and bacteria forms which can easily spread among local bird populations. Of course weather will affect this process, depending on heat, humidity and rainfall.
Not only protecting the ground below from waste, and sprouting weeds, the newer seed catchers serve a multi-purpose function. Large, platform type areas catch fallen seed that is appealing to other birds who may not use the actual feeder. There is an additional feeding space at play here, allowing you to entice and attract more feathered friends.
This large recycled plastic seed tray, or seed catcher, is fashioned for larger bird feeders that are mounted on 4×4 posts. Its innovative design really fills a need for these types of feeders. Recycled plastic means it will never crack, split, or warp, so it’s virtually indestructible. Screens lift out for easy cleaning too.
The new Seed Hoops are another brilliant idea in seed catchers. They’re adjustable to fit any hanging bird feeder, including tube feeders. Available in a 16 and a super 30-inch diameter, they’ll eliminate ground waste from any feeder, while creating additional feeding space for new visitors.
Multi-Purpose Seed Catchers
A wild bird accessory that does more than one job?
One of the great thing about seed catchers is that they serve more than one purpose. First and foremost, they prevent ground waste, which in turn prevents weeds from popping up in the garden or lawn. This also creates a healthier habitat for backyard birds. Larger seed catchers also serve as platforms for other birds to feed on the fallen seed. Those who may not perch at the feeder itself, are apt to dine on the large, flat area. So you may end up attracting some new bird species.
This large 18.5-inch seed catcher is made for a any standard one-inch diameter pole. Because of the innovative design, it also acts as a squirrel baffle, and a good one at that! When squirrels shimmy up the pole, they can not get past the down-turned rim on the seed catcher. Like all Droll Yankees’ quality birding products, this seed catcher ensures many seasons of use and enjoyment. Bye Bye squirrels!