- Bird Accessories, Bird Bath, Bird Baths, Birdbaths, Ceramic Bird Baths, Misters and Birdbath Drippers, Uncategorized, Water Wiggler
Add moving water to bird baths
The absolute best way to entice feathered friends is with water. Fresh water will attract birds who may never use a birdhouse or even visit your feeders. Bird baths have got to be the single most effective way to get more species visiting your yard.
And if water does the trick so well, think about moving water in your bird baths. It’s an absolute visual magnet for wild birds! If you’re lucky enough to have a pond with fountain or waterfall, or live on a creek, you already know the difference water makes in terms of wildlife-friendly habitat. But if your landscape is dry (like most of us) there are lots of ways to create this moving water. Drippers and water wigglers are wildly popular additions for bird baths, simply because of the all the action they bring. Leaf misters are another great way to create moving water – hummingbirds and especially butterflies love the gentle spray.
Here’s a net trick to make bird baths much more enticing, without spending any money at all! This works best with pedestal bird baths, but may also be adapted for hanging or ground bird baths as well. The bath needs to sit under a tree, as the source of slowly dripping water will come from above. Take a gallon milk jug and poke a pin hole in the lower corner, or bottom. Fill the jug with fresh water and tie it to a sturdy branch that’s at least 3 to 5 feet above the bath. Step away and watch the slow dripping create a visual magnet for your feathered friends! One gallon leaking through a pin hole should last at least 10 days before a refill is needed. The moving water really does attract more birds, plus mosquitoes can not lay eggs in moving water. A great project to try out for spring and summer… Happy Birding!
- Ant Moats, Bird Book, Bird Feeder Pole, Bird Field Guides, Bird Nesting Materials, Bird Seed Trays, Birding Accessories, Misters and Birdbath Drippers, Nesting Material, Squirrel Baffle, Water Wiggler, Weather Guards
squirrel baffle serves as weatherguard too
The most effective way to foil squirrels and protect your feeders from their disruptive antics, is with a squirrel baffle. A quality baffle is a one-time investment that will save your birdseed and ultimately your money in the long run.
The best part about using a hanging squirrel baffle is the versatility. Some folks even use them as weather guards alone (like me) to protect feeders from the elements. Most will serve as weather guards throughout the changing seasons. Keeping snow in winter, rain, and direct sun in sweltering summer heat, from ever reaching and spoiling the bird food. This will also save money by keeping food fresher longer. Not to mention, squirrel baffles also protec
t feathered friends at your feeder while dining. Although this feeder hangs from a pole with a baffle in place, one is also used to protect the feeder. Check out that snow sitting on top!
Planning and proper placement are two key factors when setting up new baffles. One must always remember squirrels’ uncanny acrobatic and athletic abilities! The little furry critters can jump sideways almost 10 feet. So, the horizontal “launching point” must be taken into consideration. Don’t hang the feeder near anything they might be able to jump from sideways. Vertically speaking, be sure the bottom of the feeder is at least five feet from ground level.
All in all, a great investment for novice to advanced backyard birders. Sparing you much aggravation and headache should squirrels be a problem in the yard.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Bath, Bird Baths, Birdbaths, Misters and Birdbath Drippers, Solar Fountain Bird Baths, Uncategorized, Water Wiggler
Add Moving Water to Your Birdbath and Watch the Show!
Fresh water in a birdbath is by far one of the best ways to entice song birds to your yard. Even those who may not use birdhouses or feeders will usually stop by for a sip or dip! You can count on this, be it extreme summer heat…or frigid winter months, a birdbath is a necessity if you’re trying to attract wild birds to your yard.
Adding accessories like birdbath drippers, water wigglers or misters works like a visual magnet to birds, the difference is amazing. Moving water attracts birds like you wouldn’t believe! The added benefits are no stagnant water and the water stays cleaner longer. Also, nasty mosquitoes can not lay eggs in moving water.
In our birdbaths at home, you’ll find two water wigglers and two drippers…our birds love them and we’d never go back to standing water.