Turnovers are for apples… not bird baths
One fairly common sight during winter in colder locales (which most folks probably don’t even notice) is the unused, out of commission, over-turned bird bath. The scene is saddening. Obviously folks do this to keep them from freezing and cracking, but this is actually when birds need water most! Sure they can eat snow, (not ice though) but it takes their tiny bodies lots of energy to convert that snow to water. Calories=Energy=Warmth.
When temperatures freeze, shallow pools and puddles are the first thing to ice over, and many feathered friends may have become accustomed and dependent on these water sources. Not only for drinking, but bathing in winter is critical too! Feathers must be clean and oiled to work properly, for flying sure, but for insulation as well. Clean feathers are able to trap air pockets which help keep birds warm in frigid weather. It’s one of the innate, ingenious mechanisms they use to survive. You know… when you see them all puffed up and round looking, that’s air pockets between their feathers.
Offering a fresh water source (especially in winter) is an absolute, sure-fire way to keep birds around your place. It’s part of the reason our bluebirds brave cold winters here in the North Georgia mountains. Heated bird baths are an investment in your wildlife habitat. Just unplug for use year round and it’s likely one of the best investments in backyard birding. If a heated bath isn’t within budget, opt for a simple heater you can add to your existing bath… or even a shallow pan of water. Deeper plant saucers make great bird baths, and many of the heaters today are safe with resin and plastics. If your container is more than 2-3 inches deep, consider placing a large rock in the center for birds to land and perch safely.
Here’s one of our own baths turned heated bath for winter. It’s actually a poly-resin planter that
looks like rock. It sits on a tree stump and blends nicely with the landscape. Birds love it because it’s shaded in summer, and offers somewhat of an escape from predators in the surrounding tree. They also like it because the water stays clean… that’s important! If you’re going to offer a water source, be sure to maintain it by keeping water fresh.
Help resident birds in your neck of the woods with heated bird baths this winter… betcha they stick around through spring and summer too!
unique birdbath and matching planter sets
In all shapes and sizes, all colors and materials, no longer are birdbaths relegated to the mundane, heavy concrete pedestal types. Handcrafted by artists who have a passion for birds, today’s baths are sure to entice some new feathered friends to your place and look great while doing so! Many have matching planters or urns, and when placed in close proximity, they create a unique focal point in any landscape, or garden, porch, deck, or patio!
Fresh water is the best way to do it, you can really attract birds with nary a feeder or birdhouse. Use a native, flowering plant in the pot and you’ve got a food source!
Deck baths are quite popular for those with small yards… or no yards at all. You can catch some fantastic views of unassuming birds from inside your home too. Hanging baths offer birds protection should ground predators lurk around your home (cats).
The set shown above is light-weight & durable, and hand crafted from 60% recycled materials. The organic shape and textured design are cool enough to display them inside as decorative accent pieces… but the birds really won’t appreciate that at all!
Hand painted birdbaths serve as functional art for the garden, and this Goldfinch bath and planter are no exception. Crafted from fine clay, they may be a bit heavier than some of the recycled materials, or poly-stone resin baths, but nowhere near the weight of concrete.
Some folks wonder “what’s the best birdbath to get?” It is by far, the one you will maintain! Fresh water is a must, and it’s the only thing you have to do… keep it clean! So think about what will be easiest for you, because the birds will use and enjoy any fresh water source you provide!
Wait… no deeper than 2-3 inches, it’s the optimal depth for birds to bathe and wade safely. If the bowl is deeper, just don’t fill it to the top. A large rock may be placed in the center for birds to land and perch as well.
cool bird baths meld with nature
Elements found in the natural world are sometimes those that create a most unique setting or focal point in the landscape. Trends even point toward man-made items using recycled materials which create a finished piece that imitates nature herself. Most common in textile design, it’s spreading to all sorts of products these days.
Of these two unique bird baths, one is wood, and one is handcrafted using 60% recycled materials. Can you tell which is which? Actually, it’s pretty amazing stuff!
The first bath is teak, and you may think: Teak? Yes, because of the durable properties, and denseness of the wood, it makes for a really cool bird bath (no pun intended). Birds bathe naturally at ground level, and this beauty, complete with non-toxic sealant, provides an excellent water source to entice feathered friends. It’s simply gorgeous in the landscape, and durable just like that high-end teak furniture we all dream of having!
Now this is the bird bath that’s hand made using mostly recycled materials, but you’d absolutely swear it was cut from a huge old tree! The shape, texture, and color all say this is a piece of tree… but it’s not!
Any ground bath may be placed on a deck for great close up views of your birds. An old tree stump is ideal for placing one too. A plant stand, or even an interesting planter all make perfect choices for supporting a ground bath.
By the way, fresh water really is the best way to attract more birds, especially with the terrible heat and drought that’s plagued most of the country this summer. Just keep water fresh… and the birds will come!