use bird baths to attract more beaked buddies to your place
Complete with copper dripper, the empty bird bath did have water in it. But with fast and furious action, this Robin managed to splish-splash and empty it in moments!
Constant ripples formed by the dripper function really do attract birds. The moving water grabs their attention and lures them in. Birds who never touch your feeders, and birds who never nest in houses are some birds who will visit bird baths.
Fresh water is such a great way to attract birds to your place! An unlimited supply, inexpensive, and so very simple, it’s a life source that all creatures need for survival. Although there are some real beauties out there for decorative purposes or functional art, fancy bird baths are not necessary.
On the deck, patio, tree stump, or ground, a simple plant saucer works wonders. Even placed on an up-turned flower pot, any saucer or dish filled with water will entice birds.
Keeping the water fresh is really the only requirement. And if cats roam around the yard, it’s a good idea to raise bird
baths off the ground to give birds a bit of security. The optimal water depth for birds to bathe and wade comfortably is just 2-3 inches.
Here’s a nifty accessory for converting cool pots and decorative containers into bird baths, no matter how deep the container. It’s called the Bird Bath Raft and it floats on top of the container, allowing a small amount of water onto the raft. This innovative idea makes it easier than ever to add a fresh water source for birds… enticing new visitors to your place in no time at all!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Thanksgiving Holiday marks a time that many of us will be getting together to celebrate family, friends, and all the good things in our lives we are thankful for. Personally… I’ll be feeding horses this holiday 🙂
Not only the “big” things, but it’s the everyday, small stuff that’s important too, and so often we tend to overlook it. If you catch a beautiful songbird at your birdbath, you might think “what a magnificent creature” or maybe even ponder the fact that you have two eyes to see it? These are the simple blessings that we take for granted.
Anyway… just a thought for the day, wishing you & yours a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Turn baths into heated bird baths with safe deicer options
You can attract more wild birds through harsh winter weather with heated bird baths. The newer de-icers and heaters are safe for all types of baths, so you can keep your existing birdbath in use year-round.
It bothers me to see people’s yards with their baths “put up” for winter… bowls sitting on the ground, and turned upside down! Birds need a fresh water source more than ever when temperatures drop below freezing. Puddles and shallow ponds they depend on freeze and become worthless to them. This high quality, 250 watt bath heater is perfect in pottery, concrete, and even plastic bird baths. It will not overheat the water, and costs just pennies a day to run. It even comes with a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty.
Another type of heater you can add to birdbaths for winter are the mat-type heaters by Allied Precision. Thermostatically controlled, they kick in at 32
degrees and run continuously, down to a temperature of 20 below zero. A mere 95 watts, and 11″ in diameter, this flexible birdbath heater is safe in all types of baths too.
Help resident birds thrive through harsh winters by offering heated bird baths. No need for a new set-up, just add a safe deicer to your existing bath. You’ll likely see some new visitors who don’t even use your feeders. They’ll really appreciate it, and you’ll be rewarded with a great show too!