Three-Tube Thistle Bird Feeder for Fresher Seed
Thistle Bird Feeders will attract finches, buntings, pine siskins and others. The great thing about thistle, or nyjer seed is that it doesn’t germinate, so there’s no worries of weeds below the feeder. There are many types of these feeders on the market, but the best feeder is the one you clean and maintain.
The advantage of a triple tube thistle bird feeder is a more even distribution of seed, as opposed to one of the very long tube feeders. With the longer feeders, thistle tends to collect moisture, and spoil at the bottom of the tube. Birds will not eat spoiled food, so it’s wasted seed, and wasted money.
With the tree-tube feeder shown above, you get the advantage of full view of all perches. This innovative design allows you to see all 24 perches at the same time, an incredible sight when it’s completely filled with finches!
- Bird Accessories, Bird Baths, Bird Feeders, Bird Houses, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Feeders, Bluebird Houses
Invite Bluebirds to Nest with Bluebird Houses
Once abundant throughout the US, the North American Bluebird experienced a severe decline in population mostly due to competition for nest sites by non-native species, loss of habitat and pesticide use. The House Sparrow and Starling are both fierce competitors for available nest sites, and are known to be very aggressive towards Bluebirds.
Thanks to efforts by Bluebird Societies and many people who have constructed bluebird trails with nest boxes, their numbers continue to increase.
Encourage bluebirds to nest in your yard by providing bluebird houses. North American Bluebird Society (NABS) approved houses are best, to ensure successful broods.
Bluebirds prefer open, grassy areas where they can perch and easily hunt their main diet…insects. Beneficial to your environment, they eat insects considered to be damaging to gardens, like cutworms.
Providing Bluebird Feeders with meal worms will also help attract them to your yard. For some reason…no other bird will enter a bluebird feeder!
Our 2 successful broods this season were attributed to feeding meal worms daily and providing several fresh water sources…the babies are adorable, we hope to see them next year too!
Add Mosaic Bird Bath for a Fresh Water Source
Clean Feathers Fly Better!
Wild birds require a consistent fresh water source (year round) to properly preen feathers for optimal flight conditions. Some bird baths are actually too deep for birds to bathe and wade comfortably. The maximum depth of bath water should be no more than 3 inches. The mosaic bird bath above, is shallow and perfect for feathered friends to drink and bathe. If your bath has a deeper center, consider placing a large rock in it so birds can perch.
In warmer weather, water tends to stay cooler and fresher longer if the bath is placed in the shade. In freezing winter months, place baths in full sun if possible. Mosaic, ceramic, copper, and glass birdbaths also have the capacity to hold a birdbath heater during frigid weather, a life saver for many birds during tough winter months.