Happy Thanksgiving and First Freeze for Heated Bird Baths!
As stunning fall color is winding down, the season’s first freeze hit the southeast two days ago. Totally unprepared, it was most definitely time to dig out bath heaters and extension cords in order to prevent any birdbaths from freezing and cracking. When you’re into birds… this is important stuff. The changing seasons require a bit of work to keep birds f
at & happy, but so very worth the effort!
Pedestal and ground baths simply get a heater placed inside to keep an open water source through winter. If you’re a bird… this is really important stuff when everything freezes! The heaters are compact, easy to use and safe for almost all types of baths. Come spring, simply unplug and store for next year.
Deck-mounted heated bird baths are even easier since the heating element is concealed within the base. Everything stays put regardless of season, just plug it in and task complete! We use one of these at home too, and in summer (they don’t call it Hotlanta for nothing) we toss in ice cubes to cool the water and create a refreshing oasis for our feathered friends.
We’re thankful for the birds and their uncanny ability to soothe the soul. Watching them through the kitchen window -even if just for a few minutes- can remove some of the chaos of daily life and any clutter inside your head… like planning and preparing dinner for 18 guests on Thanksgiving Day!
The short & simple connection to nature can be a breath of fresh air, it calms, centers and quiets the mind. We want to get more folks “into birds” as well. It’s an addictive hobby which not only brings much pleasure and simple joy, but helps birds thrive through harsh winter weather when natural food sources are scarce.
Many species stick around all year and are considered resident birds; chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, finches, bluebirds and cardinals to name just a few. Offering food, shelter and a fresh water source makes them thankful, and they’ll grace your landscape with song, color and life through the winter season to prove it!
Since it’s far better to give than receive, for the next few weeks, we’ll be giving away finch socks (thistle feeders) with all orders! No codes, no minimum… just a gift of thanks for feeding the birds 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to you and yours!
When it’s Just too Darn Hot for the Birdbath!
Mr. Chipping sparrow needs to cool off, he enters the naturally textured birdbath with gentle slope as it’s quite enticing. But surprise! You reside in Atlanta where it’s hotter than Hades right now and the bath water isn’t just warm… it’s hot 🙁
Not so refreshing… except for the gentle spray from the leaf mister above! Like the shoemaker’s daughter with worn shoes, our own mister at home is really old with a slight drip. But the drip is ideal over a birdbath as it keeps the water moving (no mosquitoes) and adds fresh, cool water on a slow and steady basis. Birds are absolutely wild for it! So much so, they sit and wait for the misters to start every morning, it’s like a virtual bird spa.
This mister is attached to an old metal… not sure what it is, but a simple plastic plant stake with twist-tie works great. Even the garden benefits with ease of mobility, moving the stake around to different sections each day. Gardens grow lush, and birds love taking leaf baths too!
When placed over a birdbath, leaf misters offer fresh and cool water for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. Activity is pretty amazing on warm summer days. Stagnant water is no fun for anyone when temperatures remain in the 90’s. Adding a water feature like a dripper, solar fountain or water wiggler to your birdbath will bring it to life, entice more birds, and keeps water fresher for longer periods of time.
The whole set-up is shown below and it’s simple to recreate. The misters come with everything to be up & running in minutes! With 50 feet of tubing, it attaches to the outdoor spigot, complete with Y-valve that keeps garden hose free for use. Extra tubing is optional, and we can promise (from personal experience) birds LOVE these things!
Water Features and Solar Bird Baths for All Friendly Fliers
In the heat of summer there’s no better way to entice friendly fliers than with moving water!
Accessories for bird baths and leaf misters will absolutely bring more birds (and butterflies) to the garden. Because
they keep water from becoming stagnant, it stays fresher and mosquitoes can’t lay their eggs in it either.
Both solar fountains and those using electricity recirculate water in bird baths. Drippers and leaf misters run off the outdoor spigot and although very slow and adjustable, do utilize a continuous water flow. They come as complete kits with everything required to be up & running in minutes… no kidding!
Leaf misters offer lots of options for placement too. You can attach them to a branch or trellis, (50 ft. of rubber tubing is included) attach to a deck bracket or even a simple plant stake in the garden. We prefer the latter as the mister may easily be moved around to benefit the garden by watering different sections daily.
Butterflies especially adore the gentle mist, while hummingbirds and other songbirds like chickadees and bluebirds will wait for them to start each morning… it’s like a spa for them and makes a spectacular viewing experience for host too.
Place leaf misters near nectar-producing plants like lantana and enjoy the show!
Moving water in a bird bath or somewhere in the landscape is the ticket to seeing more bird activity during warm summer months. In fall, simply pack them up and store away for next season. A one-time investment that promises to bring many seasons of use and enjoyment… and more winged activity to your place!