• Hanging Bird Bath,  Uncategorized

    Try a Hanging Bird Bath for Mother’s Day!

    Tiffany Glass Hanging Bird Bath is perfect for the deckDid you find the perfect Mother’s Day gift yet? If not, best to shake a tail feather! Printing a nice big color photo of your gift and placing it inside a box that’s gift-wrapped is always an option if you’ve snoozed.

    Another good idea to keep in mind: don’t shortchange your mom with a short-lived gift! Yeah, that’s a good one to remember because well, she’s your mother and the reason you’re here 🙂

    Long-lasting gifts bring the most joy, and birding gifts bring a relaxing connection with nature… unlike jewelry or little “chatchkas” that gather dust.

    Perfect for any space in the garden or even on the deck, a hanging bird bath rocks! Fresh water entices more birds to the garden, and we can promise, whether a novice or experienced birder, Mom loves to watch her feathered friends! copper hanging bird bath

    Hanging birdbaths can even be used as feeders, offering seed, suet, peanuts or fruit to lure migratory birds. The colorful Tiffany inspired bath above offers a traditional appeal, while contemporary styles in solid copper are most mod. Ceramic hanging baths are offered in vibrant and whimsical styles… and all are sure to entice more beaked buddies to the garden!

    Why go to the trouble of finding something unique that will actually last? Because on her special day- which comes only once a year- she really does deserve something that brings smiles and real pleasure for many seasons to come!

  • Bird Bath,  Bird Baths,  Uncategorized

    Bird Baths and the Non-Alernative

    skating-birds-birdbathsWhat a fun image… even though the subject is house sparrows, but c’mon… bird baths are pretty useless once turned skating rink 🙁

    Aside from the skater, the one with the hat is too cute- thanks Elmer for the creative… it’s perfect! Adding a simple bath heater makes water accessible through winter months. Being a critical life force, you’d be surprised at the variety of feathered friends who will frequent a fresh water source during hard freezes. Even when there’s snow on the ground, good old H2O serves birds much more effectively.bird baths with heaters serve birds best

    The main mode of survival during bitter weather is to eat enough food throughout the day to store a layer of fat, enough to get them through the night. So when a bird eats snow to get water, they burn precious calories in the process converting that snow to water.

    Newer heaters are safe in almost any bird bathsHeated bird baths however are as simple as plugging them into an outlet, thus eliminating this futile process. For use year-round, just unplug and tuck the cord when spring finally rolls around. If you have an existing bath that gets turned over for winter – stop! Just add a heater as an accessory, the newer ones are safe in most baths and they even come with manufacturer warranties these days.

    Even bluebirds are more likely to over-winter if a consistent fresh water source is available to them. So nix the skating rink and the dreaded bath “turn-over” as you’ll entice more beaked buddies to your place and encourage them to stick around!

  • Hanging Bird Bath,  Solar Birdbath Bubbler,  Uncategorized

    Bring a Hanging Bird Bath to Life with Solar

    solar bubbler brings a hanging birdbath to lifeGift Idea #2: Get it immediately
    with a personalized gift certificate!

    There’s really not much time left to find that perfect gift and get it by Christmas, but offering a shopping spree at a cool store is always fun! Folks do love to browse and shop for themselves… especially when they’re not paying!

    So many unique, yet bird-friendly items to be had, it might even be a difficult choice! The hanging bird bath shown includes a solar bubbler and decorative river rock. The rock helps to both camouflage the pump and offers birds better footing.

    Because fresh water is the best way to entice feathered friends, moving water is even more effective! The pumps (solar and electric) are offered separately so they can be added to an existing birdbath if preferred. Leaf misters, bath drippers and water wigglers are all neat accessories with big impact. Moving water simply attracts more birds!Hanging bird bath with tiffany painted glass

    And that immediate, personalized gift certificate? No kidding! Purchase any an e-gift and we’ll email you a large, colorful, personalized gift card to print out and give to the recipient. Place it in a box, gift-wrap, and ta-dah… one awesome gift in hand! Tons of fun to choose from including birdhouses, feeders, garden art and more. The list is complete and shopping is done!