- Bird Feeders, Copper Bird Feeder, Copper Roof Bird Feeder, Gazebo Feeders, Hopper Bird Feeder, Uncategorized
Big Daddy of a Copper Bird Feeder for Dad~with 10% off
Give dad a gift he’ll really enjoy and use… like everyday!
If he’s a nature kind of guy who enjoys the outdoors and especially birds… these feeders are the bomb! Crafted with utmost quality, of durable vinyl/PVC. So what’s the big deal about vinyl? It absolutely lasts!
These copper bird feeders are guaranteed for life, they’ll never rot like wood, warp, peel, split, crack or mildew. What you see is what you get too. The vinyl mounting collar below the base slides right on a 4×4 post, doink… done! The decorative brackets are already attached, even the finial on top won’t wear because it’s not wood. The surface has texture so it doesn’t look like plastic, a few folks have sworn these were wood!
The copper stays bright for about four years before it even begins to weather, turning pretty dark before ever displaying the slightest hint of green. A copper lacquer may be applied if bright and shiny is your thing, say in 3 or 4 years down the road.
Like that pretty patina color? Got ya covered with this version!
Its a rather large feeder and requires a good bit of space to display its elegance. Gazebo feeders like these are bird-friendly as seed stays protected from the elements, and birds are sheltered while eating.
A new large capacity feeder is done in a hopper style as opposed to the center feeder tube. The copper hopper’s huge and holds ten or twenty pounds of seed, depending on the model (two sizes). Yep, 10 lbs. of seed without having to refill as often. And if that’s not enough options, the hopper feeder comes in post-mount and hanging designs.
Take 10% off these copper bird feeders – or any others with promo code MC10. Good through 6/30/14
So What’s the Best Tube Bird Feeder for Spring?
With spring in bloom (in much of the country anyway) there’s an instinct among nature types to get outdoors and work in the garden! For many, wild birds go hand-in-hand with love of gardening. Like the “eyes bigger than stomach” syndrome at a restaurant, heading into nurseries can easily turn into more than one bargained for! We know this first hand, as flowers sit in the driveway waiting to be planted.
Luckily for perennials like these crocus, color emerges effortlessly year after year. It also signals the beginning of nesting season for resident birds, and the migratory start for our southern feathered friends.
On the birding side, it’s a perfect time to give feeders a good cleaning, check birdhouses for old nests and clean them out too. Avoid leaving old nests on the ground near birdhouses as this attracts predators. Lots of fancy cleaners on the market, but a solution of bleach and water (1:10 ratio) is ideal. Scrub, rinse well, air dry… pretty simple.
If you’re just getting into the birding thing (lots of folks are these days) – where to start? So many feeders and gadgets out there! Fresh water and a
tube bird feeder are a great place to start! All birds are attracted to fresh water, be it a traditional birdbath, or simple pan of shallow water. Shallow’s the optimal word, 2-3-inches maximum is recommended. Something with texture too, as bird’s feet can get a better grip. Small rocks or pebbles in the bowl help with landing and perching.
So, what’s the best tube feeder? Like the bath, or anything else for that matter… it’s the one you will maintain! Feeders need to be filled fairly consistently, as well as cleaned. Wet, moldy seed serves no purpose at all, and birds will quit visiting a feeder with nasty contents. Plus it can spread disease among the local avian buddies in your yard.
Consider who you’d like to attract too. Thistle or nyjer seed is made for tube feeders, they have tiny ports for this tiny seed. Goldfinches, house and purple finches, siskins, buntings and redpolls enjoy thistle. Say you want a more “all-around” type feeder for chickadees, titmice, cardinals, nuthatches and some of the other usual suspects? You can’t beat a tube feeder with sunflower seed! It’s popular among many species and a great choice for a first or only feeder.
Some offer generous seed trays that make it easy for cardinals to feed. Although there are some general thoughts as to who will eat where, this winter proved all bets were off! Cardinals seen eating at suet feeders, juncos at sunflower feeders, and some other strange sightings due to the extreme weather.
The other really nice thing is that you can buy this seed sans the shell. Sunflower hearts (or meats) is a waste-free food that leaves hardly any ground mess. Whatever should fall to the ground is usually gobbled up by ground feeding birds like doves, juncos or chipping sparrows. It costs a few dollars more, but we think it’s well worth it! Cheaper seed leaves more waste because of the fillers most birds peck out and discard… so where’s the value?
In choosing a new tube bird feeder, pick one with sturdy construction that you know will last. Although inexpensive, plastic isn’t always the best choice as squirrels can and likely will chew it to bits. Ceramic is chew-proof, as is copper, stainless steel, and many of the newer materials used to hand craft or manufacture quality bird feeders.
Your birds will thank you! - Bird Feeders, Copper Bird Feeder, Copper Roof Bird Feeder, Hopper Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Vinyl Bird Feeders
They’re Our Biggest & Best Hopper Bird Feeders Ever!
The bigger the hopper the more it will hold but don’t it believe because you are told they’ll never wear or start to look old a true statement of confidence-maybe a bit bold! New for 2104, large and extra huge capacity hopper bird feeders that will have you doing way less filling and more time relaxing & enjoying backyard birds. Not any old hopper mind you, our best selling feeders for six years straight just got even better! So what’s fuss? Although these may look like wood, they’re done in vinyl, which means they will not deteriorate. No warping, mildew, rotting, peeling, cracking or splitting… it’s guaranteed! It took a long time asking and begging to create something besides our original gazebo feeders. They’re quite stunning, but a tube only holds so much seed. If you’re serious into birds like us… you know what we mean. Even the smaller size hopper accommodates ten pounds of your favorite seed mix, and we’re talking the chunky nut mixes that birds love so much.
With a majestic copper roof, these large capacity hopper feeders come in hanging and
post-mount styles, and the copper is always available in traditional or patina on each model. Post mounted feeders come with a vinyl mounting collar and decorative brackets as shown – at no additional cost. The best part is that it slides right on your standard 4×4 post. Large seed tray invites lots of feathered friends to feed at once, and offers ample drainage to keep seed dry.
Custom made to your liking, our new vinyl hoppers are by far the largest capacity feeders out there. And ready for this? The larger size is a monster – holding 20 lbs. of bird seed! Now that doesn’t mean one has to fill them all the way, the square design itself is new, and a nice option with its clean lines and an architectural appeal.
Still in the making below, we especially love the generous seed ports. Look closely at the material, a few customers have called over the years insisting these were wood. No shiny plastic-looking stuff here… first class all the way, beautiful in the landscape and made to last!