Grande Copper Hopper Bird Feeder for Mom!
A most awesome Mother’s Day gift, it hangs, it post-mounts, it holds 10 lbs. of seed… or even 20 lbs. for the serious backyard birder! Clean it with a forceful spray from the garden hose, it won’t hurt these large capacity hopper bird feeders.
She’ll use this gift everyday, even if just a glance out the window at her busiest or most hectic times. A glimpse of nature in action has the uncanny ability to soothe the soul and calm the nerves… bird folks know this truth to be self-evident!
The hoppers are vinyl (like the siding on houses) so they really do last a lifetime, no cracking, fading, peeling or mildew. Handcrafted in the USA, and bird-approved, they’re easy to fill and clean via lift-off roof and/or pop-out finial.
Generous seed
ports on 4 sides allow for chunkier seed mixes which may contain peanuts (yum) and lots of perching space to accommodate several takers at once. Expect chickadees, cardinals, titmice, nuthatches and all the usual suspects for dining in high style.
The post-mounted hoppers include decorative brackets (also done in vinyl/PVC) that slide on a standard 4×4 post. Shiny copper roofs remain that way for a minimum of 3-4 years before they start to weather and become dark. Aged patina roofs (shown above) are created using an acid wash with heat process and remain this way indefinitely. To clean environmental build-up, a soft soapy cloth and garden hose do the trick nicely.
But ya can’t wait till the last minute as each one is made to order! We’re getting them out the door within 1-2 days to make lots of Moms really happy next Sunday, but remember all the moms and all the packages being sent next week. Shipping services become inundated and standard delivery times may fall short of what’s promised.
So shake a tail feather and make this Mother’s Day extremely special with a hopper bird feeder that guaranteed for life, she’ll never, ever paint, repair or replace this one!
Happy Halloween Pumpkin Turned Hopper Bird Feeder
After Halloween (like tomorrow) you can take that pumpkin and recycle it for birds!
Over at Hummingbirds Anonymous (a really cool facebook group with 26,000 members) this image appeared in their news feed. By digging a well, or scooping out the pumpkin, a hopper’s created to hold peanuts or seed for feathered friends.
Another idea found over at Audubon.org, shows a hanging pumpkin with easy instructions for crafting this temporary hopper bird feeder. Some of the comments are fairly funny, bear feeder, squirrel feeder and raccoon attraction, so if planning on hanging a pumpkin for the birds, use a baffle on the pole to thwart squirrels and raccoons!
Need an idea for a cool carving? Back again at Hummingbirds Anonymous, these pumpkins rock with their bird themes! Folks do love their avian amigos and the ways are simple and many to help them thrive.
The basics are easy, as in food, water and shelter. When planting, think native for natural food sources and shelter. Water need not be in a bird bath per se, just a shallow pool about 2 inches deep works great. This cold be a plant saucer or bowl from the kitchen! Add a few stones or a large rock to assist with safe footing for perching and landing spots. Depth is important, no more than two inches of water in any kind of vessel. Leave birdhouses up through winter as many species may use them to roost at night.
At holidays, be cautious of outdoor decorations as some may pose a real threat to wild birds. Just because migration is winding down doesn’t mean the cool birds are gone. Resident birds like chickadees, jays, nuthatches, cardinals and titmice will bring song and color to the garden through the dreary months of winter ahead.
Happy Halloween to all ~ may it be a safe and fun one!
Post-Mount Hopper Bird Feeder Offers Major Curb Appeal
Larger seed feeders seem to be banished to the backyard, likely for the best viewing options. Sometimes on the side of a home, but you do occasionally see them in the front. Some folks may place a beautiful birdhouse in the landscape… simply for the aesthetic. But those who actually feed the birds are serious!
Gazebo style feeders offer a traditional architectural accent, some with Victorian flair, others even more creative. But the tube, the tube’s the problem for the serious backyard birder. They’re relatively small, holding maybe one or two pounds of seed. With winter still hanging on and natural food sources depleted, birds have been ravenous around feeders. And with spring bulbs already forcing through the ground, migratory friends will soon arrive (whether the weather cooperates or not!)
Enter the post-mount hopper bird feeder with ten-pound capacity and majestic appearance. A distinctive accent for the landscape, it’s definitely worthy of the front lawn. Because the roof is copper, and that’s actually vinyl/PVC (not wood) its appearance remains new. In fact it’s guaranteed against rotting, cracking or warping. Vinyl will not mildew, making it a healthier feeding surface for birds. Bacteria and mold have nowhere to settle, no deep, dark cracks or crevices in which to grow.
Hopper style feeders like these are one-time investments in the landscape with ideal functionality to entice feathered friends. They’re simple to fill, clean and are virtually maintenance-free. An aged patina finish is offered, as well as a hanging model. Lots of options with easy installation too – slides right on a standard 4×4 post, brackets included as shown.
Save 10% through 3/15. Use code MC10 and feed the birds in high style… now come on spring!