- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Hopper Bird Feeder, Recycled Bird Feeders, Uncategorized, Wild Bird Feeders
Hold More with a Hopper Bird Feeder
Backyard birding certainly entails some chores! Attracting wild birds requires some effort with filling feeders, maintaining houses, and keeping birdbaths clean.
If you enjoy feeding wild birds, but sometimes get tired with the frequency of filling feeders…fret no more! Large capacity bird feeders are the answer. In general, a hopper bird feeder will hold more seed, they’re desgned to do just that.
You can spend less time filling and more time watching with a large capacity feeder. This double hopper feeder holds 7 quarts of sunflower or mixed seed. They’re even available in recycled materials, and built to last a lifetime. By investing in a few quality bird accessories, you’ll ultimately enhance your bird watching experiences.
Hip Hopper Bird Feeders
Feeding wild birds is cool!
There is a connection with nature, a peacefulness that relieves us from everyday activities and chores. Backyard birding has become a huge hobby among mainstream America. With tighter budgets hitting us all, birding is a way to “escape” without spending a fortune. Creating wildlife habitats with feeders, houses and a fresh water source allows even a novice birder to attract numerous species for their viewing pleasure – while helping birds to thrive and flourish. It’s a win-win situation!
Wild bird accessories have come a long way too, with cool designs to compliment any landscape. These very hip, hopper bird feeders are hand crafted, and made to withstand the elements. Functional art for the yard providing food for while birds.
Hopper style feeders will usually feature an overhang roof which protects both seed and birds from weather. Ample perching space is provided in the form of a seed tray attached to the bottom. These feeders hold anything from 1 lb. of seed all the way up to 11 lbs. with a larger capacity model.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Houses, birdhouse kits, Hopper Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Wood Birdhouse, Wooden Birdhouse Kits
Bat and Feeder Wood Birdhouse Kits
Bat House Kit Looking for a fun summer project to do with the kids? Birdhouse kits fit the bill perfectly, as once the project is complete, you actually have a useful, functional item that will last for years. Wood birdhouse kits are available in more than just houses too. Bat houses can easily be constructed, and teach kids about the tiny creatures as well. Why do so many folks erect bat houses in their yards? One of the main reasons is natural mosquito control…it works great. The wonders of nature, no chemicals needed.
Bird Feeder Kit The kits are also available in bird feeders. Easily constructed, great family project that leaves you with a functional, useful item to last for years. If kids are introduced to the wonderful world of birds, they may actually enjoy the hobby, and learn so much about nature. Stewardship of our planet is more important today than ever before…help feed the birds!