Use Hopper Bird Feeders to Hold More
The backyard birding experience is about watching wild birds, their behaviors and songs, and their interactions in the habitat you’ve provided. At times it can be captivating, watching nature thrive, close up in your yard. It can literally “take you away” from the day-to day mundane, to the extraordinary.
Maintaining feeders is large part of this great hobby – cleaning and filling them. It’s the responsible thing to do if you’re attracting birds to gather in rather unnatural groups and eat from these feeders. If you’re looking to spend less time filling and more time viewing, hopper bird feeders are a perfect choice. Hoppers tend to hold more seed than tube type feeders.
Large capacity hopper bird feeders will entice a good variety of species as well. Just about any kind of seed mixes will work with them, and some even offer suet cages for more food variety. We like to use sunflower hearts, as there is no waste or ground mess to deal with. This seed may cost a couple of bucks more, but is well worth it in the long run.
The hopper bird feeder shown above is constructed of durable cedar, and holds 11 quarts of seed, it even offers two suet cages that will attract different species. These feeders are also available in recycled plastics that are guaranteed to never crack, split or fade. Whether wood or plastics, with hopper bird feeders you’ll spend less time filling and more time watching!
- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Glass Bird Feeder, Hopper Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Wild Bird Feeders
Hand Crafted Glass Bird Feeder
There’s something about hand crafted items that makes them a little special. Beside the aesthetic value, it’s knowing that an individual used their artistic ability to create the piece. Just what went into that, as far as thought and feeling… one will never know?
Wild bird accessories that are hand made are ones of highest quality, ensuring many seasons of use and enjoyment. Which is very opposite of the mass production of China. This glass bird feeder is hand blown by an artist in Mexico, and each piece has it
‘s own character.
Other artists work with stoneware, which is high-fired and withstands the elements well. Weatherproof stoneware looks similar to glass, but is usually heavier and always opaque, or solid. This large capacity stoneware feeder is a true work of art, and available in six colors.
When buying a bird feeder, the best one is the one you will maintain. Fresh seed in a clean bird feeder is the number one factor. It will attract more birds and keep them coming back again and again. And for a unique and lasting gift that will actually be used and appreciated, a hand crafted glass bird feeder wins hands-down.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, Glass Bird Feeder, Hopper Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Wild Bird Feeders
Way Cool Hopper Bird Feeders
Most things that are hand crafted by artists are pretty cool because they have expression, TLC, and a personal touch that’s not found in todays’ mass production. When the item is functional and not just for show, it makes an even more desirable piece.
These hopper bird feeders are hand crafted in several shades of vibrant stained glass. They catch light beautifully and really create a spectacular focal point in the garden or yard. Hand hammered copper roofs have an overhang to help protect seed and birds from weather. A generous perching area on this wild bird feeder also entices more feathered friends. Complete with copper hanger, the capacity is approximately three pounds, and it will accommodate all types of seed mixes.
The artist even takes custom orders on request. Truly a work of art, these hopper bird feeders are functional accessories that will last for years of use and enjoyment. The stained glass and solid copper materials assure there’s never any worries of relentless squirrels’ chewing damage like that of traditional wooden feeders.
An awesome and unique gift for any birding enthusiast, you can be positive it will be received with great joy and appreciation, not just another gift to sit around and collect dust, or that dreaded re-gifting thing!