Warmth, Wet and the Hidden Danger in Nyjer Feeders
The unseasonably warm December weather in the eastern US seems to be drawing to a close- giving way to more normal, colder temperatures. In the southeast, some thought it an appropriate time to start building the ark… as the rain just would not stop.
Take all that rain combined with extreme warm temperatures and think about your bird feeders for a moment. Yuck! Plain & simple… a four-letter word for a nasty, damp, moldy mess đ With consistent rains, it doesn’t even matter if you’ve just cleaned the feeder well, or scraped the mold off suet because the nasties come right back. Oh, and the smell? If you can smell the seed, chances are about 99.99% the seed is spoiled.
Although birds have no sense of smell, they do have the smarts (for the most part) to stay away from spoiled seed. But here’s the kicker: with temperatures dropping to freezing and snow already falling in many parts… flocks of finches and pine siskins may appear at nyjer feeders overnight.
Famished, freezing and in dire need of energy (calories) to sustain themselves overnight, many of these finch-like birds may partake in whatever is being offered. If your feeder happens to be serving moldy seed, it’s a recipe for disaster among these local flocks. Even if you can’t see the green, white or gray stuff, birds ingest and pass these mold spores which are usually fatal. Generally referred to as respiratory disease or salmonella, the bacteria may have several names, but all pretty much cause a slow and painful death and or blindness resulting in starvation and predation.
Sick birds appear lethargic, allowing you to get too close for comfort. They cling to feeders (whether food is fresh or old) and
their eyes may be swollen, or even shut. Their bodies are puffed up, but it’s a different stance than when healthy birds are just trying to keep warm. Affected birds may rock, or even shake depending on the severity and stage of disease. At this point it’s the feeders themselves spreading the disease, not just the sick bird, and that’s where the tragedy lies.
Feeders must be taken down, bleached and not returned for use for at least two weeks or until the flocks disperse. The ground below feeders must also be cleaned up, even moving a hanging feeder or placing a feeding station on clean ground is a good idea. It’s an awful lot of work, and your heart starts breaking when there’s snow and birds are calling for their food. But the alternative is far worse, with one dead bird, a few dead birds, and eventually a whole bunch of fatalities around the landscape.
In our yard now it’s almost impossible to clean the ground below feeders as there are virtually puddles and mush everywhere. Since we’ve been through this ordeal once already, it looks like New Year’s Eve (day) will be spent cleaning feeders and probably moving them around the yard. First we’ll check the weather, and should the forecast call for more rain… maybe we’ll start the ark instead!
But in all seriousness, please keep bird feeders and feeding areas clean. Because we attract these birds in an unnatural setting, it is solely our responsibility to promote healthy feeding areas.
And a Happy & Healthy 2016 to you and yours!
Copper Roof Bird Feeder by Christmas – Gift Ideas 4-12!
Oooh man, the elves have been busy! For anyone following the gift ideas, so sorry we dropped the ball, but getting gifts out the door for timely delivery was far more important!
And speaking of timely delivery: If you happen to be local in the Atlanta area, our elves will be delivering on Christmas Eve too! So it’s not too late to procure a smashing gift that not only lasts a lifetime, but promises wide smiles as well.
YOU CAN STILL GET IT BY CHRISTMAS: Simply order a copper roof bird feeder (or dovecote birdhouse) by 2:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon… and receive it in just a few hours! The sleigh is packed, and the reindeer and helpers are ready to deliver some major cheer! We’re not sure who in their right mind would brave the mall or stores tomorrow? Especially when a most awesome gift will magically appear on your door step! Well, maybe not that magic… you do have to pay for the item… but local and timely delivery is on us!
And to finish… here are the remaining verses’ true meaning of the popular Twelve Days of Christmas:
Four Calling Birds The four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Five Golden Rings The Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament
Six Geese a Laying The six days of creation
Seven Swans a-Swimming the seven-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy
Eight Maids a-Milking the eight Beatitudes
Nine ladies Dancing the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
Ten Lords a-Leaping the ten commandments
Eleven Pipers Piping eleven faithful disciples
Twelve Drummers Drumming the twelve points of belief in the Apostlesâ Creed.Not too shabby for a jew, huh? But pretty sure somebody messed up those last two icons!
Religious persecution (what a surprise) spawned the carol, and history says from around 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. The famous song was written as catechism for young Catholics during the holiday season. With two levels of meaning: the surface, plus a hidden meaning that was only known to members of the church. Each element is code for a religious reality which children could easily remember.
We wish for you the merriest of holidays,
filled with light, love, laughter, family… and birds!
The Birdhouse Chick -
Finch Feeders Seeing a Lull? Gift Idea #1
For the next 12 days (or there about) we’re offering some fab gift ideas for bird lovers & gardeners on your list! Each icon representative of the Twelve Days of Christmas – so we’re posting the true meaning of the words themselves at the end of each post. Since the popular carol features 6 days of birds… we deemed it most appropriate for the season!
Recently we noticed decreased activity at our finch feeders, so much so… it seems the goldfinches have disappeared? Being resident birds in the southeast, there have been periods of up & down activity, but
no birds are to be found at present. The nyjer seed is fresh, cleaner emptied and scrubbed two weeks ago, and feeders with finch mix are good too.
Although other birds partake in finch mixes; cardinals & sparrows (the good ones) – it is from past experience we know the usual suspects will again return! Because of this, finch feeders are a swell idea for any bird lover or gardening addict.
The tiny black seed won’t germinate, and goldfinches are one the sweetest songbirds to grace the yard. The Rainbow Finch Feeder shown here is an awesomely inexpensive and impressive feeder! It boasts 18 perches which offer a delightful view when occupied at once. It comes in two sizes (regular and super) to accommodate big crowds, and it’s available for immediate shipping via USPS Priority Mail, usually 3 days to anywhere in the country.
One down… 11 more easy & fun gift ideas to come!
Oh yeah, the partridge: symbolizes Jesus.