Say What? This Tube Feeder is Bear Proof?
Could it actually be… a bear-proof bird feeder?
It’s not here yet, but due in December is a steel tube bird feeder by Birds Choice with claims to be bear resistant.
Although we’ve not seen them in our own GA backyard, many folks (both on the outskirts and in residential neighborhoods) have posted videos and pics of bears destroying their bird feeders… big time too! Whole feeding stations are decimated, and it’s highly unlikely you’ll command said bear to cease and desist either. Worse part is that it becomes habitual for them.
They’re extremely smart and considered problem solvers. Once a food source is discovered, you can bet they’ll return. They like the same foods as birds; seed mixes with black oil sunflower, peanuts, suet and sweet nectar too. That’s why Yogi and Boo-boo hung out at the park… for pic-i-nic baskets 🙂
We’ve seen large raccoons grabbing hold of hummingbird feeders with both hands and guzzle like it was beer, but it doesn’t really compare to a bear in your yard.
Wait… quite possibly we’re in their yards, thus the troubling and increasing episodes with the new urban bear and human contact. Through no fault of its own the bear usually loses, and we hear it on the news all too frequently 🙁
While this video is pretty fascinating to watch… it’s just not a good scenario in the bigger picture.
So back to the steel tube feeder: It features 5 small windows on each side to monitor seed levels and 6 perches that look large enough for cardinals’ comfort. Powder-coated steel tube holds 3.5 quarts, top removes for filling with removable bottom for clean-out. Overall measurements are 25.5″ tall x 8″ diameter, with a hefty weight of 9 lbs.
After viewing some of these bear vs. bird feeder videos, you might need to hang this one high, or secure it (really well) to something so the bear doesn’t walk off with it!
Not Your Average Tube Bird Feeder
When it comes to a tube bird feeder, they needn’t be straight or boring, some have spirals instead of perches while some may offer “all-over” feeding space. The amount of bird traffic in your yard may help decipher best size and style, and of course aesthetics!
For optimal bird attraction and the widest variety of species, you can’t miss with black oil sunflower seed. We like using the hearts or meats as they leave less ground mess below feeders. More birds are likely to chow down as there’s no hull to crack, there’s literally no waste with this pure seed. The Wave Tube Feeder is a groovy variation of the boring straight tube style. It’s available for both black oil sunflower and thistle (or nyjer seed). Handcrafted in the USA, its cedar construction makes it durable for years of use.
Thistle seed, also known as nyjer or nyger, attracts goldfinches, house and purple finches, red polls, buntings and other finch-family birds. It won’t make make too much of a mess either as it’s a non-germinating seed. Hulls may accumulate, but they’re tiny and won’t sprout weeds. It’s also a great offering to attract even more friendly fliers to your place.
These mushroom top ceramic tube feeders are equally groovy, adding a whimsical splash of color to the landscape. Many a songbird would be happy to perch here for a meal on cold winter days! Cold? Yes, these feeders are frost-proof via process of twice-firing. They’re safe outdoors year-round, also handcrafted in the USA. The colors run the rainbow from cherry bomb to funtasmic blue… and everything in between!
Protect your feeders from thieving destructive squirrels with a baffle, it’s only thing that really works to deter the critters. Birds dine in peace and hosts have less head aches. Place feeders so that squirrels can’t gain access by jumping sideways from something too. Feeder placement is always key in winning this war!
More so than any type of feeder or birdhouse, fresh water entices more birds everyday throughout the year. Even in frigid weather, they’ll flock to a functional bath. Adding a heater to your existing birdbath (instead of turning it over for winter) will bring birds on the greyest, coldest days of winter… brightening your day too!
Life After Death for a Tube Bird Feeder
Maybe it’s seen better life and about ready for the trash, but don’t toss that nasty old thing yet! There could still be purpose for an old tube bird feeder, especially if it’s the kind enclosed by a cage.
With bulbs a- blooming and buds a- popping, spring finally takes flight… at least in the southeast. It won’t be long for the rest of the country either, and oh what a welcome site it is! Cabin fever be gone, it’s gardening time, spring cleaning in the yard, and one of the best times for backyard bird action!
When sprucing up, don’t trash the debris either! Consider a small brush pile in one corner of your property, it not only provides shelter but food for birds and others to forage.
So back to the cage thing, it’s absolutely perfect for offering nesting materials. You can help birds feather their nests with a few common materials that may be on hand. Fido or fluffy? Save the hair, chickadees and titmice will line their nests with the soft fluff. Decorative mosses are really popular with Carolina wrens, jays and chickadees will use them too. Lots of folks use cotton yarn scraps, but if they’re dyed… I dunno? Same with dryer lint, it’s
not natural for birds, so we steer clear. Feathers of any kind (sans the dye) also help in construction of soft fluffy digs. Even birds who don’t use houses will benefit from readily available nest materials!
Don’t have one of those caged things on hand? Suet baskets are also ideal, and something like these spring feeders are perfectly versatile for year-round use. For fruit in summer, whole peanuts or suet in winter, and of course, nesting materials now. Happy Spring y’all!