Whole and Shelled Peanut Bird Feeders
Offering a variety of foods will attract more species of wild birds to your feeders. Seed feeders are wonderful for many birds, but some have no interest in them at all. Suet is another food (especially in winter) that will entice more feathered friends.
Peanuts are an absolute favorite of many birds. Jays, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Grosbeaks, (and even Bluebirds in winter) will chow down on peanuts. Some birds prefer shelled peanuts, while others will go for whole peanuts too. Squirrels on the other hand, will eat any peanuts!
Adding one or even two peanut bird feeders to your existing setup will definitely entice more species to your yard. Most of these feeders are made from metal and durable stainless steel, but wooden models are also available. If pesky squirrels are a problem, be sure to install a quality squirrel baffle to keep them away from feeders. If you enjoy feeding squirrels, there are peanut bird feeders like this innovative and fun whole peanut metal wreath feeder. It suits both squirrels and birds….providing the little piglets leave some food for the birds!
As always, be sure to offer a fresh water source like a birdbath, as this will increase the number of species and sheer numbers of visitors to your place.
- Bird Accessories, Bird Feeders, In Window Bird Feeder, Uncategorized, Wild Bird Feeders, Window Bird Feeder
Even Window Bird Feeders Can Be Versatile
For every type of backyard, and for many particular species there are bird feeders to do the job. Obviously, large capacity feeders are better suited to larger yards with lots of space. But if you have a small yard, or even no yard at all…you can still entice and attract many species of wild birds.
Platforms or tray type feeders are extremely versatile as far as offering various foods. They’ll accommodate any birdseed mixes, suet, fruit, peanuts, or even mealworms. This means you can attr
act different species according to seasons. Window bird feeders are available in this tray style too, plus they allow for great close up views of your visitors. Hummingbirds for example, will also visit window bird feeders that are meant to hold nectar. In-Window bird feeders are also a great way to go if space is limited. These fit conveniently in most standard size windows, with the general feeding area right inside your room…talk about close up views!
So even if you’re in an apartment with the smallest deck, there are bird accessories to invite feathered friends to your place. A small birdbath will also do wonders for attracting many species, in fact, it’s the best single way to bring birds home!
Got Finches? Try This Large Nyjer Feeder
If you’re lucky enough to have lots of finches in your backyard, you may be forever filling the nyjer feeder. And now that many young chicks are visiting these feeders too, the the nyjer (or thistle) seed may be going even faster than in the beginning of summer..
To the rescue: a Large Capacity Nyjer Feeder with quality construction to last for many seasons of use and enjoyment. This Deluxe Triple Tube Feeder actually holds seven pounds of thistle seed..and that’s a lot of thistle!
Goldfinches and others will frequent a birdbath if offered. This kind of fresh water source is known to entice and attract more feathered friends than any feeders or houses alone.
Remember when their bright plumage fades, Goldfinches will still be around, so be sure to keep nyjer feeders up and filled with fresh seed throughout the year.
…Happy Birding!