- Bird Houses, Blue Bird Houses, Bluebird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Wood Birdhouse
blue-hued bluebird houses
At first glance, the aged, rustic appearance of these bluebird houses might indicate less than stellar quality…. but looks can be deceiving! Hand painted in rich, cool hues, these solid cypress bluebird houses are top notch – and your bluebirds will think so too.
With a 1.5-inch entrance, and proper ventilation in the roof, they’re sized for Eastern Bluebirds with features to keep nests safe and dry. The cypress shingled roof with copper accent is both handsome and functional, deterring water by directing rain run-off. A latched, locking front door allows viewing of nest progress and simple clean-out too. Meant to be post-mounted, these bluebird houses compliment any landscape naturally with style and function.
Although this nesting season is over, one may find bluebirds flitting in and out of nest boxes. Perhaps to scout for winter roosting spots should they decide to stick around and brave winter weather. In North Georgia, bluebirds have over-wintered for several years in our yard. Heated baths and a steady supply of suet and mealworms seem to keep them happy. Three successful broods fledged this past season… and so hoping to see them soon!
- Bird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Recycled Birdhouses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Wood Birdhouse
cool mango wood birdhouses
Renewable resources are a good thing… and these wood birdhouses are just that! Hand crafted and turned from mango trees, the wood is sturdy and durable. Bright colors and fun shapes provide more than good looks too. These functional wood birdhouses have some nice features your birds (and you) will appreciate.
The distance from entrance to floor is substantial, thus helping to protect nestlings from predators. A simple clean-out on the back wall makes it easy to remove old nests too. Complete with drainage so nests stay dry, these cool birdhouses even come with an innovative iron hanger that lets you mount or hang your house in a snap.
Crafted in NW Thailand, the Man
go tree’s life cycle is relatively short at about ten to fifteen years. New trees are planted when these birdhouses are turned from the wood that’s harvested. Even the wood shavings are used in the kiln-drying process, so the entire tree is used by the artisans – making these unique birdhouses quite eco-friendly… and good looking too!
- Bird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Vinyl with Copper Roof Birdhouses
exquisite decorative bird houses to last a lifetime!
Let’s face it, in any market you’ll find junk and you’ll find quality… doesn’t matter what it is, from products to services… there’s good and not so good. Many bird houses out there claim to be decorative, claim to be quality, and even claim to be functional – when they’re not!
Most times we get what we pay for. So if you purchase a $10 bird house, obviously you wouldn’t expect it to be around for too many seasons. These copper roof decorative bird houses are guaranteed to last a lifetime! They’re hand crafted in the USA, with meticulous construction and stunning quality.
PVC/Vinyl is the main material of the house itself, but you’d never know it. Gone are the slick, plastic-looking materials of yesterday. This vinyl looks and even feels like wood! Absolutely gorgeous in any landscape, these decorative bird houses are available from small to estate sizes. The cooper roof is an option too; in a beautiful, natural patina finish, or a bright, lacquered copper that stays bright and shiny for several years. It will eventually weather, but if desired, polish may be applied to keep the shine.
The larger sizes are even complete with the decorative brackets shown. The vinyl collar simply slips over any standard 4×4 post.
In single and multiple compartments, there’s a decorative birdhouse to suit many tastes, and several species of wild birds too. The tops lift off for easy cleanout, and styles come with copper portals (predator guards) or perches. If you’re looking for a truly beautiful birdhouse, with no maintenance, that will last a lifetime… theses copper vinyls are it!