decorative bird houses aren’t always functional
Buyer beware…. not all decorative birdhouses are meant for feathered friends! Just because they’re made from wood and have an entrance hole, does not mean they’re really suited for wild birds. Many of these wooden, cute decorative birdhouses lack clean-outs and proper ventilation for tiny nestlings. As if sweltering summer temperatures aren’t bad enough, it’s always a few degrees warmer inside a birdhouse, and this can mean death for some nestlings. This is one good reason not place new birdhouses in direct sun. Another factor is year-round weather. Will this birdhouse hold up to the elements? It’s always best to leave birdhouses out year-round as many birds will use them to roost. Protection and shelter from the elements and from predators are the reasons to leave decorative bird houses out year-round. Plus if they’re really cool birdhouses like these, you’d certainly want them for the added aesthetic to your yard.
This Eastern Bluebird Look-Alike hosts a family of Black Capped Chickadees. The house has a trap door clean-out on the bird’s belly, and the entrance is proportionally correct for these smaller songbirds. This size birdhouse with a two-inch entrance isn’t likely to entice any prospects for nesting.
And even if it does, they’re likely not safe from predators. The Boathouse Birdhouse also features a side wall with screws for clean-out, and a slightly larger entrance offers medium sized songbirds a great nesting spot.
When considering decorative birdhouses, be sure they are functional and proportionally sized for the birds you’d like to entice. As always, a fresh water source is the single, most effective way to attract more birds. Those who are not cavity-dwellers, or birds who never visit a feeder are likely to check out a bird bath with fresh water in it.
Some choose PVC over wood birdhouses
Some birds that is! Of the many wood birdhouses situated in our yard, the first brood of bluebirds hatched and fledged from this PVC birdhouse instead. Called a Gilbertson Nest Box, it’s specifically designed for Eastern Bluebirds, but Tree Swallows and House Wrens are known to frequent them as well.
Of the many modern materials now used for birdhouses… there is something to be said for old-fashioned wood. Especially the hand crafted wood birdhouses, the selection is fantastic (if you know where to look). Reclaimed materials like barn wood and tin make for some of the best (and sturdiest) houses for feathered friends, simply because they’ve already stood the test of time.
The wood used on this log front wood birdhouse comes from a general store in the North Georgia mountains that’s over one hundred years old.
Some hand carved wood birdhouses make for whimsical garden decor for us humans, while a swell dwelling for wild birds too. Many are totally functional with clean-outs and proper ventilation. Crafted from a fast-growth, renewable wood, this wood birdhouse below is a hoot!
Providing birdhouses is a necessity for our avian amigos. Dwindling habitat, and competition from non-native birds for natural nest cavities, and of course predators, are just a few reasons we need to help wild birds thrive and flourish. Believe it or not… our own future depends on it.
Please help house the birds 🙂
unique birdhouses… I’d say so!
When I hear the words “unique birdhouses”, it seems curiosity always gets the best of me and I must take a look. When the same old stuff is touted as unique birdhouses, it’s really disappointing. The stuff made overseas – that’s all over the web, well it’s just not unique at all 🙁
Artists are the ones who craft unique stuff because not only their talent, but their passion goes into the item. These unique birdhouses by artist Doug Fey are some of the coo
lest I’ve ever seen! Totally hand crafted, no molds are used in his process. Twice fired, the process makes them weatherproof for year round use… perfect roosting spots for cold winter nights.
Not limited to clever canines, this artist has a wide variety of subject matter, and even welcomes custom work from photos of your favorite critter.
Now ya must admit…these are some pretty unique birdhouses indeed!