Get ’em Ready: Decorative Bird Houses and Then Some
Okay, so maybe this one’s not so decorative, but it’s popular among downy woodpeckers. In time for nesting season 2014, it’s getting a facelift complete with metal predator guard… thanks to squirrels, and my neighbor, Tom. Because the guard was attached without measuring the roof line (duh!) he re-fashioned it to fit perfectly under the roof. Our downy’s say thank you!
Although it may not seem like it… nesting season is under way! Even though there’s still snow, bird’s instincts tell them it’s time. With just a day or two of warmer temperatures and sunshine, there’s already less activity at feeders and more time spent scouting and claiming nest boxes.
So it’s time to get all possible nesting spots ready for vacancy! You may have to drag your ladder through the snow… what? You’re not crazy like us? Remove old nests, and be sure boxes are in good repair, securely attached to their mounts, with no loose or questionable parts. If the entries have been damaged or enlarged, simply attach a predator guard to remedy. Your birds will be pleased 🙂
Here’s one of our new decorative bird houses that won’t need repair because it’s vinyl and comes with metal predator guards already attached.
In a stunning Merlot color for spring, it’s like a two-for-one, it will host two families in the dual nest compartments. Four entrances with two bedrooms are perfect for chickadees, bluebirds, titmice and other small backyard birds.
Townies, the birds who live in the burbs are more likely to see early successful broods and fledges this year than their counterpart county birds. Townies have it good, with feeders, water and housing offered in many scattered backyards. Country birds have a tougher go of it with the miserable weather and what looks to be, a late spring. We hope for the best.
Competition for nest sites is tough out there!
So to help wild birds thrive, just pick out a new decorative bird house and nab 10% off, plus free shipping on $95 or more for President’s Day (all week)… our thanks for housing the birds 🙂 - Bird Houses, Copper Roof Birdhouse, Dovecote Birdhouse, Uncategorized, Vinyl with Copper Roof Birdhouses
Big Balls and a Dovecote Birdhouse
It’s the Mother of all birdhouses ever, our biggest, nicest, most stunning dovecote birdhouse. In fact it’s so stately, a small yard just doesn’t cut it! It takes some space to let its grander shine.
Dubbed an Estate Martin Birdhouse as it measures over five feet tall and almost two feet wide… now that’s big!If you’re still looking for something to really impress your special someone, this large bird home is the bomb!
A birdhouse that’s absolutely guaranteed to last a lifetime (with little to no maintenance whatsoever). Because it’s crafted of vinyl, it never rots, splits, cracks or fades. A damp cloth with soapy water is all that’s needed to clean environmental build-up from the surface.
The amazing copper roof comes in your choice of shiny, bright copper, which remains that way for 3-4 years before starting to weather, or an aged patina finish. Copper actually gets darker with age-a brownish tint before you ever see a hint of of that natural patina color. Some folks prefer to omit the special lacquer seal so the copper weathers quicker to match trim on their own residences.
Oh yeah… and the big balls? We have them too! Individually boxed they measure 6×6 with a glossy finish. Bold graphics make them fun ornaments to give-or keep for your own collection.
Both the big house and big balls are available for immediate delivery… in time for Christmas!
Put a smile on a bird’s face today and save 10% on everything at our place!
Just use promo code mc10 at checkout.
and the happiest of holidays to you and yours! - Bird Houses, Copper Roof Birdhouse, Dovecote Birdhouse, Uncategorized, Vinyl with Copper Roof Birdhouses
How Could One Possibly Lose a Copper Roof Birdhouse?
They’re fairly large, actually big, so how could one of these just disappear? The mystery began two months after it shipped, when tracking showed delivered, but Teresa insisted there was no package.
And why would one wait that long anyway? A Mother’s Day gift that shipped in May, the issue hadn’t come to light until July! When her kids kept asking if she received the copper roof birdhouse, Teresa was just too busy with more pressing matters.
So when she finally called us, but FedEx insisted it was delivered… we were a bit befuddled. Teresa said they’ve never had anything stolen from the porch, and that you can’t see the residence from the street because the driveway is 300 feet long. Needless to say we drove the FedEx rep crazy with requests for a claim. Nightmare.
Then one day we received a package out of the blue, but no, it wasn’t the birdhouse. It was one pound of Michigan dried cherries, three jars of some outlandish hot fudge, a box of french soap, and a really nice card… from Teresa! Turns out the birdhouse was there all along, but she thought it was the high chair she had ordered for her grand daughter. It wasn’t until the big company selling the chair notified her that it was out of stock – two months after she had ordered it. The light went off… she had her birdhouse all along. For our troubles (and oh there were several) she sent us a gift, along with a phone call and explanation. What a huge relief!
It’s not the first time we’ve actually received gifts from our customers. Because we’re small, we do much more than just sell a birdhouse. We make it an experience, by personalizing things, following through and knowing our customer is thrilled. From the largest copper birdhouses… to the smallest chickadee house, that’s just how we believe business should be done.
The dried cherries were to die for, and the other two jars of fudge? Long gone before the pic was snapped!