• Bird Houses,  birdhouse kits,  Uncategorized,  Wooden Birdhouse Kits

    bird house kits for a new york park make-over

    Totally fun Recycled Plastic Bird House KitsAn elementary school in New york City has a great idea that’s going into action! Eighty school children at Village Community School will each assemble their own bird house kit, decorate, paint it and help install all 80 bird house kits in a nearby park.

    When administration first contacted us, we were more thrilled with the idea itself, than the net profit from a sale. So much so, a deep discount was offered on the bird house kits, and they received a plethora of extras to further entice birds, and to get the kids more involved while making their project a huge success.

    Chickadee, Wren and Eastern Bluebird wooden birdhouse kits were ordered, but 16 packages of assorted nesting materials were graciously added. In addition, there was a wonderful Stokes Bluebird Book, and 24 “Pop-Outz” recycled plastic suet feeders, (which are perfect for offering nesting materials) along with a pamphlet on “attracting nesting birds” for each child to take home.

    Although bird feeder kits and bird food were thought not to be a smart idea for the area, we also sent along a few suet cakes and explained there would be no ground waste with which to contend. Now I can’t wait to see pictures of the project in progress or the finished product. Park services will be taking care of the water aspect as far as birdbaths or small ponds, making sure there are ample fresh water sources to help birds thrive. The birds in this area of NYC are getting a great make-over!

    By the way… the tooled leather birdhouse kit shown here is actually recycled plastic-and super fun to assemble. It provides a real nest site for feathered friends and lasts for years to host many successful broods!

  • Bird Houses,  Blue Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Uncategorized

    some cool blue bird houses to last a lifetime

    no blue bird houses on the farm for these babies
    baby bluebirds grow up in a fence post at the farm


    Life-long Blue Bird Houses handcrafted in VinylWith a severe shortage in natural nesting places, bluebirds will appreciate decent diggs to nest and raise their young. With increasing development from strip malls to subdivisions snuffing out habitat, competition from non-native species also plays a huge part in this shortage of nest spots.

    You can provide proper housing in high style, with blue bird houses that will never rot, fade or warp with weather and time. More than just wood, materials like vinyl, ceramics and stoneware make for fantastic blue bird houses that are handcrafted to last a lifetime. This Vinyl Cottage Bluebird House happens to be NABS (North American Bluebird Society) approved. Complete with a metal predator guard, it helps protect eggs and nestlings from predators like cats, raccoons, and larger birds.handcrafted stoneware blue bird house

    On a more artistic note, handcrafted stoneware blue bird houses can provide an interesting focal point in the landscape, while providing a proper nest site for blue birds. Stoneware is also inert, meaning it will not rot, is totally insect proof and guarantees to be around for a lifetime.

    Help bluebirds thrive and flourish by erecting blue bird houses in your yard. You can entice them with suet and heated birdbaths in winter, and of course their favorite food any time of year… live mealworms! If you’re lucky enough to have more than one successful brood, it’s a real joy and pleasure to watch juveniles from the first brood help raise the new chicks and teach them to hunt.

  • Bird Houses,  Blue Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Uncategorized,  Unique Birdhouses,  Vinyl with Copper Roof Birdhouses

    bluebird houses crafted in vinyl last a lifetime!

    Vinyl Bluebird Houses will last a lifetimeHere in this southeastern back yard, the Bluebirds never left, they over-wintered as our accommodations provided them well through a frigid winter season. Live mealworms were (and still are) fed daily, and bird baths remained heated throughout winter months. Lots of roosting spots, including several bluebird houses helped them keep warm at night.

    Although wood is always good for most bird houses, over time it tends to weather and rot… which is not so good for prospective tenants. On the other hand, vinyl houses (like the kind people live in) pretty much last forever.

    There’s a new breed of bluebird houses crafted to do just that… last forever! Architectural Bluebird Houses in white vinyl are an attractive and affordable alternative if replacing old nest boxes. Since they’re hand made (in the USA) there’s always a color choice for the roof too. Exterior grade plywood is covered in a coated aluminum to provide durability beyond compare. Roofs are available in bronze (shown here), verdigris and hammered copper options. With meticulous construction, and inert materials, these vinyl bluebird houses will last a lifetime, hosting many successful broods over the years.

    One other thing on bluebird houses: as a rule of thumb, houses should be placed in open areas, at least one hundred feet apart, as bluebirds areMale Eastern Bluebirds will scout nesting sites and bluebird houses quite territorial. But if there is competition from swallows or other birds for the same house, placing another nest box about ten to fifteen feet apart will in many cases, make both parties happy!