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    Time to Clean Out & Repair Bluebird Houses

    If you have the dreaded spring cleaning blues, just step outside and switch to spring cleaning your bluebird houses. Now’s the time when males start trying to lure females to the best, and most beautiful house in which they’ll raise their brood.

    Clean out old nests, and discard the nest materials away from the house so as not to attract predators. It’s best to scrub the inside with a mild bleach solution as well, (1:10) to kill any infestations, bacteria or molds. Rinse well and let air dry before putting the house back.

    Wooden bluebird houses may appear rough around the edges, especially at the entrance…a usual sign of squirrel damage. Don’t fret though, the house is likely still usable. Just add a metal portal, or protector over the existing entrance. They’re inexpensive and work well to repair bluebird houses.

    If you’ve just put up your first bluebird house, and are hoping to attract these wonderful birds – try adding live meal worms to your feeding regimen. They really do magically attract bluebirds. A Bird bath with fresh water is helpful too. Our eastern bluebirds braved the harsh winter here in North Georgia as the heated baths, suet and live worms kept them fat and happy. Just know that when feeding live worms, most birds will literally eat you out of house and home, which is why a bluebird feeder works best. The bird must pass through an entrance hole to get the worms. Very few birds, besides bluebirds will do this.

    Happy Spring and Happy Birding!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  Decorative Bird Houses,  Unique Birdhouses,  Wood Birdhouse

    Wood Birdhouse Gone to the Squirrels

    Not just this one…I’ve lost several a wood birdhouse to the squirrels. At first, I’d find it rather upsetting to observe the damage done by the pesky critters, but have since had a change of heart on the subject. I’ve always fed squirrels (never enough if you ask them) and they need a warm place at night too.

    Still wanting wood birdhouses for my feathered friends, I’ve found a solution for the new houses. Metal portal guards will now be retro-fitted on the entrances to any wood birdhouse that goes up in my yard. The squirrels can have the old ones, but with nesting season approaching these houses are strictly for the birds!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  Uncategorized,  Unique Birdhouses,  Wood Birdhouse

    Fun Wood Birdhouses with Functionality

    Whimsical wood birdhouses are real homes for cavity-dwelling birds. Complete with cleanouts, the entrances are proportionally sized for nesting songbirds. These wood birdhouses are hand made from sustainable, fast-growth wood. They allow for proper ventilation too.

    Totally fun and functional, wood birdhouses make for excellent and unique gifts for any nature lover. A gift you know will actually be used and appreciated!

    With spring upon us (I can’t wait) it’s time to prepare for nesting season. Clean out old houses and wash with a 10% bleach solution. Allow to dry completely before hanging or mounting. Discard old nest materials away from the house as this may draw predators. Check for leaky seams and apply a bead of wood glue if necessary. Come on spring!