• Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  birdhouse kits,  Recycled Birdhouses,  Uncategorized,  Unique Birdhouses,  Wooden Birdhouse Kits

    Green Ones…The New Wooden Birdhouse Kits

    wooden birdhouse kitsThis is the Totally Green Birdhouse kit and it’s made from 100% recycled paper, that has been laminated into a strong board!

    Like traditional wooden birdhouse kits, it attracts wrens, tufted titmice, chickadees and nuthatches. The airy and innovative weatherproof design is totally biodegradable after the nesting season.

    It’s fun to assemble, by folding two die-cut pieces of board that fit together ingeniously. Then kids and/or playful adults get to paint and decorate the bird house any way they want. You can be creative, and provide wild birds a much needed nesting site, and shelter at the same time.wooden birdhouse kits

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  birdhouse kits,  Hopper Bird Feeder,  Uncategorized,  Wood Birdhouse,  Wooden Birdhouse Kits

    Bat and Feeder Wood Birdhouse Kits

    wood birdhouse kits
    Bat House Kit

    Looking for a fun summer project to do with the kids?  Birdhouse kits fit the bill perfectly, as once the project is complete, you actually have a useful, functional item that will last for years.  Wood birdhouse kits are available in more than just houses too.  Bat houses can easily be constructed, and teach kids about the tiny creatures as well.  Why do so many folks erect bat houses in their yards?  One of the main reasons is natural mosquito control…it works great.  The wonders of nature, no chemicals needed.

    Bird Feeder Kit
    Bird Feeder Kit

    The kits are also available in bird feeders.  Easily constructed, great family project that leaves you with a functional, useful item to last for years.  If kids are introduced to the wonderful world of birds, they may actually enjoy the hobby, and learn so much about nature.  Stewardship of our planet is more important today than ever before…help feed the birds!

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  birdhouse kits,  Uncategorized

    Birdhouse Kits Go Eco Too

    Birdhouse KitBirdhouse Kit

    Sustainability is where it’s at today, we see it all around us via products in every realm of life. Recycle-Reuse!

    Recycled birdhouses and bird feeders have made their way into the marketplace too, offering a fabulous option to their wood and plastic counterparts.  Most have guarantees to never crack, split or fade, and they keep plastics out of our landfills, and trees in the ground-where they belong!

    Even recycled birdhouse kits are available for those who wish to build their own.  The kits make great projects for church or kids groups, even family projects.  Whether a birdhouse, or bird feeder kit, it’s a great way to teach today’s kids the mega-importance of stewardship!