• Bird Houses,  Uncategorized,  Unique Birdhouses,  Wood Birdhouse

    Renewable Wood Unique Birdhouses

    Reewable Wood BirdhouseHappy Earth Day!

    As more people seek sustainable products, recycled and “earth friendly” items flood the marketplace.  These unique birdhouses are hand made in India, from the fast-growth wood of the Albesia tree.  Functional and fun options for you and feathered friends, they provide real homes for wild birds to roost and nest in.tWooden Trailer Birdhouse

    Scientific data has shown a severe decrease in available nest sites, mostly the result of urban sprawl and increased competition from non-native species.  Cavity dwelling birds are losing nest sites at an alarming rate-real estate is hard to come by for them!  By introducing functional, and fun birdhouses, more people might be inclined purchase one, and hopefully will become interested in the stewardship of wild birds by taking up the great hobby of backyard birding.looney bird birdhouse

  • Bird Accessories,  Recycled Bird Feeders,  Recycled Birdhouses,  Uncategorized

    Recycled Wild Bird Accessories

    recycled wild bird accessoriesEarth Day is April 22, and it’s a great reminder for us all to be more eco-conscious, and environmentally aware of our surroundings and just how we care for this earth.  Recycle and reuse has never been a more important issue.  For this and future generations, recyclying is paramount.  Earth Day shouldn’t be a special day… it should be everyday!

    Among many recycled products are wild bird accessories.  Birdhouses and bird feeders have come a long way as far as design, and are readily available in recycled materials.  They are mostly made from recycled plastic which is composed of post-consumer waste and packaging.  (Fancy words for trash!)

    These products last a lifetime, and are guaranteed to never crack, split or fade.  They keep plastic out of landfills and the ocean, and prevent deforestation.  A recycled birdhouse or feeder may cost an extra few dollars, but the investment is well worth it–being the last time you’ll ever have to replace the item.

    Recycled Fly-Thru Bird Feeder
    Recycled Fly-Thru Bird Feeder
  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Houses,  Blue Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Uncategorized

    Bluebird Houses for Safe Nesting

    Female Eastern Bluebird with Nestlings
    Female Eastern Bluebird with Nestlings

    Bluebirds are a wonderful species indeed!  It’s hard to resist their beauty, gentle disposition and sweet song.  Their nesting needs are specific, and differ from other cavity dwelling birds.  Placement of proper bluebird houses, or nest boxes, and suitable habitat are two important factors for attracting them.

    The best habitats are open, short-grassy areas where they can find food.  Bluebirds feed on insects and search low to the ground to find their prey.  They also enjoy berries and fruit, and will perch atop these kinds of trees to eat.

    There are tons of bluebird house designs being used today by backyard birders with much success–from basic nest boxes to elaborate, decorative houses.  The most important thing is to provide bluebirds with a nesting site that is safe and secure to raise their brood.  You can always be sure about a nest box if it has been “NABS approved” by the North American Bluebird Society.