Happy 4th ~ Save 10% on Unique Birdhouses and Everything Else!
Save 10% Site-wide on unique birdhouses, feeders, bird baths… and everything else!
These wild birds wouldn’t know from birdhouses… the beach is their home. If you’re heading to the shore this weekend please think of the locals and share accordingly. From the National Audubon Society – tips for sharing the beach:
For pets, fireworks are horrifying, it’s animal control’s busiest weekend of the year. From MarleysMutts, here’s a few tips to keep your pets safe this weekend.
Wishing all a Happy and Safe 4th of July Weekend!
Get ’em Ready: Decorative Bird Houses and Then Some
Okay, so maybe this one’s not so decorative, but it’s popular among downy woodpeckers. In time for nesting season 2014, it’s getting a facelift complete with metal predator guard… thanks to squirrels, and my neighbor, Tom. Because the guard was attached without measuring the roof line (duh!) he re-fashioned it to fit perfectly under the roof. Our downy’s say thank you!
Although it may not seem like it… nesting season is under way! Even though there’s still snow, bird’s instincts tell them it’s time. With just a day or two of warmer temperatures and sunshine, there’s already less activity at feeders and more time spent scouting and claiming nest boxes.
So it’s time to get all possible nesting spots ready for vacancy! You may have to drag your ladder through the snow… what? You’re not crazy like us? Remove old nests, and be sure boxes are in good repair, securely attached to their mounts, with no loose or questionable parts. If the entries have been damaged or enlarged, simply attach a predator guard to remedy. Your birds will be pleased 🙂
Here’s one of our new decorative bird houses that won’t need repair because it’s vinyl and comes with metal predator guards already attached.
In a stunning Merlot color for spring, it’s like a two-for-one, it will host two families in the dual nest compartments. Four entrances with two bedrooms are perfect for chickadees, bluebirds, titmice and other small backyard birds.
Townies, the birds who live in the burbs are more likely to see early successful broods and fledges this year than their counterpart county birds. Townies have it good, with feeders, water and housing offered in many scattered backyards. Country birds have a tougher go of it with the miserable weather and what looks to be, a late spring. We hope for the best.
Competition for nest sites is tough out there!
So to help wild birds thrive, just pick out a new decorative bird house and nab 10% off, plus free shipping on $95 or more for President’s Day (all week)… our thanks for housing the birds 🙂 - Bird Houses, Decorative Bird Houses, Edible Birdhouse, Uncategorized, Unique Birdhouses, Wood Birdhouse
Shop Small Saturday for Holiday Wood Birdhouses that Bring Smiles
It’s a great day for deals across the net, free stuff with orders galore!
The trick is finding that special something for the one who has everything. If they happen to be tree huggers, or even the least bit into wild birds… look no further! Holiday wooden birdhouses are guaranteed to bring big smiles, and for the birds too. Even though we’re not anywhere near nesting season, these fun bird homes make awesome roosting spots on cold nights. They’re gifts that last and actually get utilized. Edible birdhouses are another fantastic idea too, you get the feeder plus a real birdhouse once the seed’s consumed. They’re festive, colorful, and oh so fun!
Say you’re looking for something really off-the wall? Man’s best friend immortalized as a fine birdhouse is sure to be the biggest hit ever! Totally handcrafted and made to order, we’ll even customize these canine bird houses from your photo…
no extra charge.Add in free shipping, plus a stocking stuffer the birds will love, and oh yeah… 15% off, and that’s a sweet deal! Shopping small definitely has its benefits!
Use code bb15 now through Monday, Dec 2 to take advantage of this sweet deal for the holidays!