Wood Birdhouse Kits for Bluebirds, Window Views & More!
Great Projects for Young, Old, & In Between!
What better projects than those of conservation and nature to instill a sense of stewardship in children from ages 5 to 105? Birdhouses, and bird feeders are key ingredients to creating wildlife-friendly habitats that will enrich, encourage, and entertain feathered friends and their people hosts alike.
As urban sprawl gives way to more natural habitats at an alarming rate, so many lessons can be taught through simple projects like wood birdhouse kits. Whether scouts, school and church groups, or social activities, these kinds of projects help to raise an awareness about our very own immediate environments and how to enhance them. High quality, inexpensive kits are available in feeders, bat houses and may types of bird houses too. It’s easy to create wildlife habitat with proper nesting sites, and help wild birds thrive and flourish in your area.
Wooden Birdhouse Kits, Bird Feeder and Bat House Kits
Wooden Birdhouse kits are available in feeders and bat houses too, and make for excellent projects with kids of al
l ages.
Be it church groups, scouts, or even school science curriculum, there’s no better way to teach kids about nature, wildlife, and the world around them.
Thanks to The Cornell Lab of Orinithology’s “NestWatch” and affiliated citizen-science projects, teachers are provided with the tools they need to set up nest box trails at schools, through the “Home Tweet Home” partnership with Nature and PBS. Some schools are even monitoring nests as part of a new NSF-funded initiative called “Communicating Climate Change”, aimed at community projects that seek out local indicators of climate change. In Ithaca, NY, Dewitt Middle School students monitor nests in wooden birdhouse kits, and record data such as first egg date, a critical piece of information used by researchers to understand how birds are responding to climate change.
For more information on existing cirricula, or after-school and environmental activities, please visit www.nestwatch.org
Wood Birdhouse Kits: For Fun, For Birds, For Conservation!
Looking for an interesting project with kids? For church groups, scout groups, or school activities, there’s no better way for children to learn about nature and conservation.
Bird Feeder and Wood Birdhouse kits can teach kids to actually experience nature, conservation, the great outdoors. Projects like this also allow children to take an active role in improving their environment.
The Cornell Lab of Orinithology’s Nest Watch Program and other Citizen-Science groups provides teachers with the tools necessary to set up Nest Box Trails at schools, through the “Home Tweet Home” partnership with nature and PBS.
Please visit Nestwatch.org for more information.