Unique Bird Feeders for the Best Valentine’s Gifts
The Best Valentine’s Gifts are for the birds! Because they’re long-lasting and provide daily joy and entertainment, kind of a reprieve from the chaos of life. They also help wild birds thrive, especially in winter. Roses fade quickly, chocolate’s gone in a few days, but gifting a unique bird feeder is something that will bring happiness for years to come… think about that for a moment!
This Glass Hummingbird Feeder has the perfect Valentine’s theme! The tiny sprites bring so much joy to both novice and seasoned bird enthusiasts alike. Parasol crafts quality bird feeders that really do last a lifetime. Eco-friendly from recycled glass, they’re hand-blown in Mexico by true artisans. Hummingbirds love them and the top-fill design offers a no-leak, no-mess feeder.
Something a bit more substantial might be in order, and should the recipient lean towards contemporary or modern styles, the Bauhaus Bird Feeder rocks! It’s versatile for different foods and fresh water – which attracts more birds than anything. Handcrafted in Europe, the clean lines and sleek style look beautiful in the garden. Definitely a keeper, this stainless steel feeder remains rust-proof for the duration!
Last but certainly not least… a post-mounted copper/vinyl feeder is tops! For a special Valentine’s Gift that’s more traditional, copper roof bird feeders are guaranteed for life.
Simply stunning and superb quality, the vinyl looks like wood though it will never crack, rot or fade like wood does over time. The non-porous feeding surface is also healthier for birds. The copper stays bright & shiny for 4-5 years before weathering dark, and there’s a patina roof option which remains indefinitely.
Either of these unique bird feeders promises to be a coveted gift bringing joy and happiness (and songbirds) for many seasons to come… making it a perfectly swell gift for your love bird!
Celebrate Year of the Rooster with Metal Yard Art
For those celebrating the New Year of the Rooster, a happy, healthy and prosperous year to you and yours!
Funny thing because the large birds have become all the rage. From recycled metal yard art to functional birdhouses, adorned kitchen walls and other rustic home decor, roosters are big news!
This one’s kind of rustic with earthy colors and aged appearance. Raised texture adds interest to the piece as well. Just under 2 feet tall, this rockin’ rooster works well for indoor decor or in the garden.
On a more animated and whimsical note (no pun intended) the Jammin’ Roosters bring smiles to young and old alike. Should you happen to know someone who plays a fiddle or trumpet, and celebrates the New Year now… omg, then these guys are the bomb!
Big, bold and handcrafted in Mexico from reclaimed metal, the vivid colors will vary, though all make for some pretty awesome recycled metal garden art. Always Best when paired with a buddy!
Should the preference be for something a bit more functional, the metal rooster birdhouse might be in order! He’s quite colorful, adding warmth and character to the garden. Best to hang any metal birdhouse in the shade as nestlings may fry in afternoon sun. Be sure the house is well ventilated too. Any metal decorative bird house with only a tiny entrance isn’t really good for the birds.
All That Chatter Around Blue Bird Houses
Lots of bluebird chatter recently and lots of chasing from feeders. It’s only January but in the southeast this activity means one thing… bluebirds are claiming their territories already!
The chattering along with the comical tip of the wing proves dad’s ready to find mom, pick the right blue bird house and get to work!
The previous family unit is severed and all bets are off now as juveniles are no longer welcome at meal worm feeders. Less than one full season old and it’s time to go find your own digs and significant other… they do grow up fast.
It’s difficult to watch sometimes, so you put extra meal worm feeders out and hope everyone gets a fair share. But instead, panic ensues and papa is frantically chasing his own offspring from feeder to feeder to feeder. Good grief!
This is precisely why having more than one bluebird house within view of another doesn’t work. But one in front, one in back does seem to work peacefully. And it’s worth it because watching blues nest and raise their young is fascinating. And it goes on for months if the first clutch fledges successfully.
Two, three sometimes even four nests per season! That’s superb entertainment for up to 6 months if you’re in the southeast anyway.
Always remove nests after babies have fledged. Unlike some cavity nesting birds, bluebirds prefer to build a new clean nest for each brood. Promptly removing old nests opens up the birdhouse for their next clutch. Discard away from the birdhouse (like in the trash) as old nests on the ground or nearby will draw predators.
A couple of new blue bird house for spring:
The Paisley Vinyl Bluebird House is whimsical garden decor with total functionality. Upgraded features make this one very bird friendly. Babies will love their fledgling ladder when it’s time to leave the nest!
If you happen to be ready for the next level and wish to monitor your bluebirds’ progress (recommended) the popular Gilbertson Nest Box recently received a cool upgrade. An optional recycled plastic roof (poly-lumber) in matching brown looks perfect.
The new roof coupled with its vinyl birch-like cavity will be around for many seasons. And tests were performed measuring ambient heat… the plastic roof keeps houses cooler in summer than the the original cedar roof. But for any die-hards out there… the original roof is still available.
C’mon spring and happy birding!
Hummingbird Feeders
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