Happy Winter Solstice and Last Holiday Gifts
And Happy Winter Solstice!
The shortest day of the year… with the most to accomplish in the least amount of time! But the days do get longer- yes please!
Busy holiday times can be harrowing, the gift list is still incomplete, traffic is absurd, weather is frightful, yada, yada, yada! If you’ve waited until now to order anything online, chances may be slim for Christmas delivery, or extremely expensive for an expedited service. Don’t fret, because good things really do come in small packages!
If they happen to fancy birds, a birdbath heater or heated birdbath will be a huge hit… for the birds! They’ll flock to a fresh water source in frigid weather, showering the recipient with some really big shows! Should a heater not quite cut it as the perfect present, a gift certificate will let them shop and choose their favorite birdbath too!
Separate solar fountains can be added to their own existing birdbath, bringing a new dimension to the birding thing. Birds adore moving water and many different species are attracted to it big time… even those who may not use birdhouses or feeders.
Another gift idea:
Hummingbird Sun Catchers are an easy ship, decorative for their home, made in Canada and done in hand-blown glass. Stunning when hung in front of a window, mesmerizing as they twinkle while catching light. A collector’s piece to cherish, pretty enough to be passed down through generations.
Head on over to our other gift guide, it seems to have gotten a bit further along than this one, and just about everything shown there is available and in stock here!
And if you happen to be local in the Atlanta area… then luck just struck!
Give us a call to come shop… we’re stocked with birdbaths, edible birdhouses, copper roof bird feeders, and lots of other cool garden whimsies. The very best gifts for the nature buff on your list!
Breathe and Feed the Birds… we have those Garden Art Poles too!
Unique Birdhouses Make Awesome Holiday Gifts
For a swell holiday gift, here’s why unique birdhouses are sure to please!
- A birdhouse to match everyone’s personality
- Long lasting (the good ones anyway)
- A purchase with purpose
- Gives back to nature, provides cavity nesting birds a place to raise their young
- Beautifies the garden, porch, balcony or landscape
- Gifts of nature soothe the soul, nothing to plug-in or download!
Birdhouses for all tastes include classic or funky, modern or traditional, rustic, whimsical or just plain
weird for the one who may be… well, a tad off!
Materials range from wood, vinyl, glass, pottery, copper and recycled plastic. Even textiles make a cool birdhouse like this hand-felted gingerbread pick.
There’s edible birdhouses which serve as 2-in-1 gifts for use as a feeder now and a real wooden birdhouse for spring. Not all are created equal, but the Bed & Breakfast and Wren Casita promise to host many successful broods over the years!
On a more classic note, go for these architectural birdhouses (matching feeders too). Stunning in the landscape and fine housing for feathered friends, these vinyl birdhouses are guaranteed for life.
Some rustic birdhouses include driftwood from Indonesia, vintage church birdhouses and natural log front bird abodes. The latter replicate cavities in trees and snags where birds with no housing will seek safe digs to rear young. The salvaged logs are chosen for their uniqueness and deep openings. Forming a natural predator guard, they keep nestlings safe from intruders and cozy dry in the worst elements.
Birdhouses serve friendly fliers well throughout the year. Aside from nesting in spring, most offer up a cozy roosting spot for cold nights. They add character to the garden and simply help feathered friends thrive! All in all, a totally swell idea for any nature buff on your list!
Freebie Nyjer Feeder is Still On- Shop Small thru Dec 31st
While our previous post touted the benefits of offering nyjer (or thistle) seed, this info extends the offer through Monday night, 11/28.
For Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday… wait, no shopping name for Sunday? Someone dropped the ball! Enjoy 10% off and nab a free nyjer feeder sock with every purchase.
These little feeders make fantastic stocking stuffers because birds really do use them, great quality too. You may even opt to keep the gift for your own birds!
Nyjer is an ideal seed to try if you’re just entering the backyard bird watching hobby. More of a journey as it becomes so darn addictive! Hard to explain, but once bitten by the bug… you’re hooked.
Another petite nyjer feeder, although not free, is the one-quart feeder. It has a molded acrylic dome and tray for extra perching space. In red, orange or yellow, it will prove to be a most popular spot in the smallest of spaces!
For those who enjoy the long lines, traffic and overall chaos of the holiday shopping season… hats off to you!For those who’d rather shop from the comfort of their sofa in PJ’s… (yes, please) look no further. Find the best birdhouse and bird feeder gifts when you “shop small”.
Boutique shopping rocks as many items are one-of-a-kinds and unique wares. Beyond birding, find cool yard art and unusual accents for home and garden decor with fun metal yard art too. Lots of holiday theme gifts they’ll use for seasons to come!
We’re part of Shop Small so Am/Ex customers earn 2x points when shopping with us through Dec. 31st.
Visit the official gift guide, or check out birding resources to see daily suggestions for all 12 days. Find something for all nature buffs on your list today and nab a free nyjer sock to boot!
Use code MC10 while this offer lasts!
Hummingbird Feeders
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