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  • Bird Feeders,  Window Bird Feeder

    Best Cold Weather Offerings at Window Bird Feeders

    csuet mixes are ideal for cold weather feeding and work in most window bird feedersRecently the question was posed by a customer on our Facebook page: “Any advice for keeping birds fat & happy through the coming cold snap?” Absolutely!

    Basically, birds need higher fat and carbohydrate type foods that are easier and/or faster to digest during frigid weather.

    Aside from topping off basic seed feeders, you can utilize window bird feeders and other platforms for these kinds of treats. Suet cakes broken into chunks, any kind of nuggets or crumbles, even home-made suet mixes and bluebird delight (recipes on our website) are ideal for open style window feeders.During cold weather, mix suet chunks with seed in your window feeder

    Water… don’t forget that fresh water’s extremely important when all natural sources have frozen. Birds will flock to a heated bath throughout the entire winter season!

    Since freezing weather always brings more birds around to feeders, you can easily set up a new feeding space or two without additional feeders per se. Offer more of those high fat, high carb Suet and peanut butter smeared on a tree trunk serves birds well in cold weatherfoods using suet or peanut butter smeared right on a tree trunk! Nuthatches, warblers, chickadees and every species of woodpecker will go for it in a snap. The extra calories serve them well helping to maintain body temperature and warmth overnight.

    While you’re toasty warm inside, please remember feathered friend’s survival tactics and help them out during frigid weather!



  • Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Uncategorized

    They’ll Be Scouting Bluebird Houses Soon!

    Gilbertson Nest Box is a NABS Approved Bluebird House“Yesterday was very bright sun, but still cool with a heavy frost this morning. By late evening there were bluebird families sitting on high line wires & fence lines and males were singing from tree tops all along the roads where I have up bluebird houses. You see families of bluebirds right now at every people house that has up nesting boxes in their yards!”

    See? That’s from a bluebird expert… the scouts will be out and about very soon, busy claiming their territory and the best spring digs in hopes of attracting a mate for the cycle of life that is nesting season! It’s a great time of year for all those “people houses” who host feathered friends too.

    If you’ve never experienced a family of blues in your yard… this is the year you must try! For those who’ve hosted, and even monitoradult bluebird with juvenileed nests, the rewards need not be explained. Mom & Dad raise nestlings with some pretty amazing teamwork and TLC. Should bluebirds stick around for a second clutch (very common if the first fledges are successful) you’ll see those juveniles help parents raise the new babies. Totally cool indeed!

    Bluebird houses are best placed in an open area, mounted at about 5 feet high. The houses can be higher, but will prove difficult to monitor-which is a bummer. Folks actually help bluebirds thrive by looking out for them and monitoring their houses.

    Everyone starts somewhere, so an absolute knowledge of the bird isn’t required – but some basic know-how and what to watch for are best for the birds. The North American Bluebird Society (NABS) actually rates and approves birdhouses suited for blues. Should you plan to monitor this year, look for a NABS Approved Bluebird House.These Vinyl Bluebird Houses are approved by the North American Bluebird Society (NABS)

    The website has a wealth of information in an easy to navigate format. Not just for bluebirds, but info about most North American cavity nesters. Your state may even have a bluebird society or association who’d be thrilled to help get you started with hosting bluebirds!


  • birdhouse kits,  Uncategorized,  Wooden Birdhouse Kits

    It’s a Good Time to Start School Birdhouse Kit Projects

    Start birdhouse kit projects now for the first scout's approvalSpring is still months away for most two-legged beings, but for birds it’s the slight increase in daylight hours that sends signals. Instinctively, some of the earlier nesting birds who typically have 2-3 clutches per season, will begin scouting for suitable territory and housing to claim as their own. One of the milder winters of 2012 actually saw bluebird nest starts in February!

    These cavity-dwelling birds (chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, woodpeckers and others) seek both man-made and natural nesting spots to raise their young. Providing homes for them through birdhouse kit projects makes perfect sense. Start now to have housing in place prior to nesting season in spring. The scouts will be on it sooner than than you think!Carolina wren sits a top an assembled birdhouse with nest material

    A great class-project for schools, with potential to get kids excited about and noticing some natural yet everyday wonders around them! The sturdy wooden housing offers birds a viable roost for cold nights, as well as an ultimate nest spot for several years. The houses may be decorated or painted incorporating art into the project as well.

    offer home-made nesting materials near birdhousesAlso as part of the project, kids can gather home-made nesting materials to help lure birds to their new creations. Feathers, and pet hair are favorites, while decorative mosses are heavily used for nest building-even by those birds who don’t use houses. Dryer lint is never recommended because polyester and such are aren’t natural. Should any of the families have horses or if the school’s near a farm… even better because horse hair is a big winner for birds! The mesh produce bags from the grocery store (like the kind apples come in) make ideal holders for the materials collected.

    Please do inquire on bulk rates for school birdhouse kit projects! We’d be delighted to help… our thanks for housing the birds 🙂

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