Lotsa Finches? Add a Few Thistle Bird Feeders!
Because of the Goldfinches’ sweet disposition, they will not compete for food. If feeders are crowded, they will seek food elsewhere. The most effective way to keep them around your yard, is to add a few inexpensive thistle bird feeders, like the thistle sacks, or stockings.
Extremely effective, Goldfinches and others will use thistle sacks all the time. The longer, or larger the sack, the more birds it will feed, as the whole feeder offers clinging space. Now available in black, they offer a striking contrast when birds feed from them.
To enjoy Goldfinches’ vibrant summer color, keep thistle bird feeders out year-round. Offering friendly habitat, via food, and shelter during frigid winter months truly helps them to thrive and flourish!
Create a habitat simply by way of birdhouses, roosting pockets, mature trees and thickets, and water when all sources have frozen, with a heated birdbath. The birds will grace your yard and give hours of entertainment!
Add Mosaic Bird Bath for a Fresh Water Source
Clean Feathers Fly Better!
Wild birds require a consistent fresh water source (year round) to properly preen feathers for optimal flight conditions. Some bird baths are actually too deep for birds to bathe and wade comfortably. The maximum depth of bath water should be no more than 3 inches. The mosaic bird bath above, is shallow and perfect for feathered friends to drink and bathe. If your bath has a deeper center, consider placing a large rock in it so birds can perch.
In warmer weather, water tends to stay cooler and fresher longer if the bath is placed in the shade. In freezing winter months, place baths in full sun if possible. Mosaic, ceramic, copper, and glass birdbaths also have the capacity to hold a birdbath heater during frigid weather, a life saver for many birds during tough winter months.
Mosaic Bird Baths for Vibrant Colors
Adding color to your environment brings it to life!
Whether planting annuals, or adding garden accents, a small burst of color will have a large impact. Functional art for your yard makes good sense, and birdbaths fit the bill. You can attract more feathered friends with a fresh water source, and frankly, the birds aren’t too choosey when it comes to bath designs. The only requirements are that the bath be clean, and water levels shallow enough for birds to bathe and wade comfortably. Optimal water depth is 2-3 inches-maximum.
Mosaic Bird Baths are available in whimsical designs with fun, vibrant colors. One of the advantages of mosaics is they are able to accommodate a bath heater in winter, giving birds a year-round water source to count on in frigid weather. This is a critical time for wild birds as most natural water sources tend to freeze, leaving them unable to bathe and properly preen feathers.