More eating and less fighting with Bird Brain hummingbird feeders
Their migration south will soon begin as will the “crazies”! Mobs of them, buzzing, fighting, darting around feeders to stake their claim. Tiny bodies need lots of energy for the trek back to winter breeding grounds in Central and South America, and it’s big attitude when it come to fueling up for the trip. Territorial would be an understatement, the sprites can become pretty fierce and downright possessed around feeders!
It’s been a weird season for hummingbirds, many folks report fewer numbers upon their initial arrival, the extended winter weather likely to blame. Fewer (almost none) of the birds’ natural nectar sources were available for their journey northward, possibly causing many to perish. It wasn’t until much later in the season we started seeing more numbers at feeders… and many of them being juveniles.
And soon again it will be time to go – the dwindling hours of daylight is what signals their clocks that it’s time. It’s a total myth that leaving feeders out will keep hummingbirds from leaving… Mother Nature tells them otherwise.
You can really make a difference in helping these flying jewels by offering as much food, and as many sources as possible. If you haven’t done so in the past, try making your own nectar before the season’s over (you’ll be glad you did). It’s really so very simple: 1 cup plain table sugar to 4 cups water… that’s it! Nothing else in the solution as it’s harmful, no red dye needed. We boil one cup of water just to dissolve the sugar more effectively – add 3 cups of cold and no waiting for it to cool. Store unused nectar in the fridge for up to two weeks. Some say the solution may be made stronger during migration as more sugar equals more fuel. Never stronger than a 1:3 ratio though.
Keep nectar fresh and consider hanging an
extra feeder or two so there’s not so much fussing and fighting. Multi-port styles are a good idea as they allow more birds to feed at once… provided they can all get along!
Most of the Bird Brain Hummingbird Feeders offer 2-3 ports and some of them are still around. In fact, they’re being manufactured again under a different name – so they must be worth it! The Mini-kins are perfect for this time of year because they come in a set of three and may be placed in separate locations. Again… less fussing and more eating will suit hummingbirds best for their long trip ahead!
The Old bird brain hummingbird feeders
Products and companies may come and go, some rightfully so and some not so much, so it’s sort of a bummer that bird brain hummingbird feeders disappeared.
They weren’t cheap plastic, but pretty blown glass feeders in vibrant colors that held up over time, and hummingbirds liked them too! The styles were nice because they didn’t drip or leak like some of the tube styles feeders still around.
The good news is there’s still some of the old bird brain hummingbird feeders around. We had stocked up big time on several models like the Mini-Kins (sold in sets of 3’s), The Snitch, and the very cool textured Cobalt Radiance. They’re no muss – no fuss feeders your flying sprites will love!
And speaking of those flying sprites… it’s definitely time to dig your nectar feeders out of storage because hummingbirds are on their way! Entering the gulf states about two weeks ago, it won’t be long before they’re back in your yard providing that mesmerizing bird watching experience. Like no other, their general behavior and fancy acrobatics prove to be some of the most entertaining of all backyard birds.
Because they practice “site fidelity” -it means if hummingbirds were happy with your accommodations last season… you can bet they’ll be back this year too!
And hey, should your feeders be looking a bit worn and tattered, you can nab 10% off a new one! Simply enter promo code MC10 at checkout!
Cool Mini-Kins: bird brain hummingbird feeders
Although hummingbirds may have shown up a few weeks earlier this year… their trip home to Central and South America will likely be on target for early fall. If the tiny sprites are present and guzzling your nectar, just wait about another month when numbers may double, or even triple!
The long journey back requires lots of energy, and nectar from feeders is an excellent source to keep hummingbirds engine’s fueled! Even when your resident birds may have already split… groups from further north and some stragglers will stop for refuge.
Last year, we were absolutely inundated with hummingbirds during the fall migration, even our cats (from inside the screened porch) went bonkers seeing and hearing all the buzzing activity! More feeders were needed fast to accommodate the passers-by, and these little glass ones fit the bill well. The Mini-Kins are Bird Brain hummingbird feeders, and sold in sets of three. Hand blown glass in vibrant colors, they’re easy to fill & clean, and two feeding ports are better than one!
Be ready to offer migrating hummingbirds fuel for their long journey home. Keep nectar fresh and hang an extra feeder or two in the next few weeks. Keep leaf misters on during the day (their favorite), and if you have birdbaths with fountains, be sure the water is clean for them as well.