The Week to Take Note at Bird Feeders
Great Backyard Bird Count The Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place this month, specifically between February 13-16. This is a joint effort of the Cornell Lab of Orinthology and the National Audobon Society. The project links citizens with scientists in an effort to collect important data about backyard birds. This is the twelfth year the project has been running, and each year becomes more successful with participation of new backyard birders.
This week, take special note of who’s visiting your bird feeders and how many there are of each species. Jot down your info and simply report it online at www.birdsource.org/gbbc
An extensive data base is analyzed by scientists to better understand many aspects of wild bird populations, such as: migration patterns, habitat changes and range expansions.
So count your birds, and make your backyard count by participating in the
Great Backyard Bird Count!