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    Leave Hummingbird Feeders Up!

    Blown Glass Hummingbird feeders by ParasolHummingbirds are feeding like crazy right now, fattening up and getting ready for the big migration back to their wintering grounds in Central and South America. Feeders seem busier than ever with almost frantic activity at our place.

    Because of the heat, sugar water is changed every two days, so filling the larger hummingbird feeders is almost pointless. Eighty pounds of sugar were used to feed our local hummer population this season…and that’s a lot of nectar!

    If you don’t make your own nectar-give it a try before the season’s over. Hummingbirds really seem to prefer the simple sugar water solution, and it saves money too.

    The recipe: 1 part sugar to 4 parts water…that’s it! No red dye necessary. Use plain white table sugar and nothing else as it will harm hummers. You don’t even need to boil the water as microorganisms and bacteria are actually spread through the bird’s beaks on the feeder ports. We boil 1 cup of water, simply to help dissolve the sugar more effectively. And contrary to popular belief, hummingbirds will not “stay” if you leave feeders up – Mother Nature tells them when it’s time to go!Ruby Throat Feeding at Flowers

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Bird Houses,  Bluebird Houses,  Uncategorized

    Bluebird Houses in the News: Proven Beneficial

    It’s difficult to convince folks sometimes, and all the blogging in the world may not make a bit of difference. But when the Associated Press does an article on the benefits of backyard birding…it seems a bit more substantial. Bluebird houses have been proven beneficial in the fight against unwanted insects. Much better than ineffective pesticides, most of which have been rendered useless….read on!


    This Jan. 23, 2005 photo shows an Eastern bluebird photographed near McLeansville, N.C. Eastern bluebirds are voracious insect feeders, especially during nesting and rearing periods. Their primary diet includes flies, katydids, beetles, worms and spiders. They’re aerialists, catching insects on the fly or pouncing on them on the ground. (AP Photo/Dean Fosdick)

    Growers are beginning to understand that common birds can be of uncommon value to fields, lawns and gardens.

    Many avian species earn their keep by eating insects and small mammals, and destroying weed seeds.

    “Commercial growers are turning to birds as an alternative or supplement to pesticides,” said Marion Murray, an Integrated Pest Management project leader with Utah State University Cooperative Extension. “But you have to have the environment or habitat before inviting them in.”

    That means mimicking nature by providing plenty of food, water and cover. Put up some bluebird boxes or nest boxes for raptors, said Marne Titchenell, a wildlife specialist with Ohio State University Extension.

    “Monitor the bluebird boxes so sparrows don’t take over,” she said. “Brushier habitat provides protection for insect-eating songbirds. Allow the edges of your woodlot to grow up a bit. Berry-producing shrubs are excellent things to have around for all kinds of wildlife.”

    Birds occupy a unique place in nature, according to the authors of a timeless 1912 study, “Red Bird, Green Bird: How Birds Help Us Grow Healthy Gardens,” by Harry A. Gossard and Scott G. Harry (Ohio State University Extension, revised edition 2009). “Each species performs a service which no other can so well accomplish,” the authors said.

    Raptors such as hawks and owls chase down field mice, moles and grasshoppers. Insectivores like bluebirds, chickadees and woodpeckers stalk beetles, worms and grubs.

    Meadowlarks are ground feeders, favoring meadows and farm fields where they gorge on grasshoppers and weevils. Robins focus on lawns and gardens, where they pull up cutworms, wireworms and other larvae injurious to crops.

    Chickadees are birds of the forest, eating tent caterpillars, bark beetles and plant lice. Goldfinches prefer open country where they can pursue caterpillars and flies. “No other bird destroys so many thistle seeds,” the authors say.

    “An individual tree swallow, barn swallow, purple martin or chimney swift can eat up to a thousand flying insects a day,” said David Bonter, assistant director of Citizen Science with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. “They can have a big impact.”

    While it’s great to have these specialized bug hunters around if you’re a grain farmer, small commercial farmer or orchard grower, recruiting should be directed toward a variety of species, said Margaret Brittingham, a professor of wildlife resources at Penn State University.

    “All insect eaters feed at different heights, on different plants and prefer different insects,” she said. “Having some (bird) diversity is important in maintaining insect populations. What we don’t want to wind up with is having a monoculture with birds as we frequently do with plants, inviting problems.”



    For more about birds for alternative pest management, see this Utah State University fact sheet http://utahpests.usu.edu/htm/utah-pests-news/fall-09/

    You can contact Dean Fosdick at deanfosdick(at)netscape.net

  • Bird Accessories,  Bird Feeders,  Hopper Bird Feeder,  Uncategorized,  Wild Bird Feeders

    Use Hopper Bird Feeders to Hold More

    Eleven quart hopper bird feederThe backyard birding experience is about watching wild birds, their behaviors and songs, and their interactions in the habitat you’ve provided. At times it can be captivating, watching nature thrive, close up in your yard. It can literally “take you away” from the day-to day mundane, to the extraordinary.

    Maintaining feeders is large part of this great hobby – cleaning and filling them. It’s the responsible thing to do if you’re attracting birds to gather in rather unnatural groups and eat from these feeders. If you’re looking to spend less time filling and more time viewing, hopper bird feeders are a perfect choice. Hoppers tend to hold more seed than tube type feeders.

    Large capacity hopper bird feeders will entice a good variety of species as well. Just about any kind of seed mixes will work with them, and some even offer suet cages for more food variety. We like to use sunflower hearts, as there is no waste or ground mess to deal with. This seed may cost a couple of bucks more, but is well worth it in the long run.

    The hopper bird feeder shown above is constructed of durable cedar, and holds 11 quarts of seed, it even offers two suet cages that will attract different species. These feeders are also available in recycled plastics that are guaranteed to never crack, split or fade. Whether wood or plastics, with hopper bird feeders you’ll spend less time filling and more time watching!